Abhinav Bindra's Road to Beijing

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Saturday, August 16, 2008

First day home....

Saturday, August 16, 2008 – 7:09 PM
Finally got home yesterday cocooned in Z-plus security. There is supposed to be a threat to my safety. As to why anyone would be interested in killing a shooter who has spent the last 12 years of his life shooting and successfully hitting a 0.5mm bulls eye from 10m away escapes me. Possibly I could just invite these fellows over for a shooting match... be it with a bb gun ;)
So I got over the fact that I have Z-plus and was actually thrilled to be home since its been more than 6 weeks. I was itching to play with my close buddies chotu and buddy. The fellas have really grown and did seem unusually excited to meet me at first. But soon enough they were back to doing doggy things with their usual disregard for my commands. Looks like the medallion around my neck does not have them too enthralled.
Since I now seem to be able to throw my weight (all 60 kilos of it) around, I tried it with the fur-balls assuming they would be far more obedient after my Olympics gold. Hey! I even tried waving that medal in front of their noses and they for one second thought it was some kind of treat but after sniffing at it were absolutely disinterested.
It was a bit of a relief to be honest -- somethings don't and should not change.
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SUBS said...

Hearty Congrats...

You have done us proud. Now you deserve a good rest...Just chill out... May be tough with all the attention and now, Z-security.

Best wishes for future...happy shooting !


Vikram said...

Hi Abhinav, I read in yesterday's paper that you have a blog and on googling got it in a sec. Congrats!! (I do not have a better word) on your feat and making us all proud. I have two small daughters and I live in Mohali. Like all parents in India today, I want my daughter's to emulate your down-to-earth, humble approach to your win. Had it been any other mortal on your place he would have shown God knows what kind of monkey acrobats on the win but this is what makes you different from the herd. I appreciate you did not weep when the Tricolor was going up when Indian national anthem was being played. Only a few can stop that. But then that makes you what you are. Nerves of steel, concentration on the job at hand. The only thing Im worried about is that such hype should not make you loose your divine humbleness and should keep you the way you are. I hope and pray that this medals is just first of many many more to come as more and more kids and their paretns will try to follows Abhinav Bindras footsteps. God bless you.

rainboy said...

threat to you?? why? maybe these terrorists...?
take care of yourself man

Welcome back home..
hehe...so u an animal lover too.

agreed..something never change and they never should.


Nimita said...

Abhinav!! Great to know that you have a blog!! This is such an unprecedented event! And I can imagine how overwhelming it can be when a billion people tell you that you have made them proud!! Congratulations!!!

I didn't get a chance to watch the event, but gotta know from a Chinese friend at work (I live in Canada) that India won a Gold, that too in Shooting where he said that every person in China thought that Zhu Qinan would win it!!

I googled that up and found that you are exactly my age! (I am 12th Oct, 82 born) and man!! I must say how you have really inspired me to go for my dreams too!! (not olympics though, too late for that :( lol )

I really wish though that the Indian Government did more for the Olympics. You are very talented but also lucky coz you are from a wealthy family in India who could afford to make your dreams come true, but so many talented people in India don't get a chance because of financial difficulties. India is a nation of a billion people like China and there is no reason for it to be so low in Olympic ranks!

Anyhoo... enjoy the success.. you have been waiting for years for it and you deserve it, so let the compliments flow!

harapriya said...

You are a shooter who gets his aim correct, terrorists are shooters who tries to deviate othes aim .......You are precious for our country and Z plus security just denotes that .

Abhinav finally , you can take rest you wanted, with the the same atmosphere around ,with atleast someone not asking to wave the gold medal .....because for your buddies you are more important than the medal

Tikna said...

60 kgs ? , i think you should eat some more :P

Also nice to see you are regularly updating your blog , and you are getting good at it too :)

anjooran said...

So reached home with a burden of Z category. These people are crazy and don't know what they are going to win with terrorism other than destroying the happiness.

rohit said...

hello Abhinav,
my comment is more of a request,
i am also a rifle shooter
im frm rajasthan and do not have a coach
even though last year i managed to qualify fr the NSCC on my own
i have a rifle
my parents cannot afford any further
i am 110% dedicated to shooting
and aspire to achieve what u have
even though u have broken 1 dream of mine
of gettin the first gold for INDIA
but u also made my will stronger
hope u could help me in some way
ill keep writin to u everyday
until i dont recieve a reply frm u

sandy55742 said...


Reflections said...

Hey, guess what!!! u'll never believe this....:-D
I got ur ID via Mr. Bachchan's blog. Strange huh!!!!
It happened like this...
Once in a while I check the stuff out at Mr. AB's blog & so I went there yesterday...
and wht do I see...everybody is wishing him a Happy Independence Day & ofcourse I didnt want to be the odd one out.
So after wishing him a belated one...I put in a ps- asking him whether he knew wht ur blog id was.....well ofcourse not too strange a request considering the fact that u won our country the 1st olympic indi G medal & all tht jazz.
This morning I got this comment from a nice guy from Haryana very kindly offering me ur blog id, saying that he read my request in Mr. AB's blog...coool huh:-D

Coming back to what I wanted to convey....Happy but Belated Independence Day Wishes!!!!!!!

p.s - they put u back in ur place huh....but then thats why they are ur buddies.

Raga said...


Siddharth Chaudhari said...

funny post :)

Anonymous said...

1. Congrats for doing india proud.
2. I think it is great that you are getting the attention you are - more then what athelets get is USA etc. So enjoy it!
3. You're being treated as national pride, which you are so can understand your security.

Hope you continue your passion for the sport.

GL - fellow coloradan-kavs

Anonymous said...

My dear Abhinav,

I am surprised by how well-written you are, for a shooter. :) Congratulations on your commendable versatility :D And you are getting better at it with every passing day. (I have subscribed to your blog feed.)

I wanted to congratulate you on the very first day, but was waiting all this while for the furore to die down a little so that there is actually a chance that you will read this.

I was watching an IBN interview of yours yesterday on youtube. The first question - "So, you are living your dream, are you?" Boy, what a ridiculous question! Having been a journalist, I felt my skin peeling off for shame. And the answer smeared with an ironic laughter, "I certainly am". I saw that look of sarcastic amusement on your face and was rolling on the floor laughing. I have added that video to my favourites just for that initial exchange.

You are rare. Proud of you.


Unknown said...

Abhinav, hearty congrats. you have created a history in shooting. All INDIANS are priud on you.

Shravan Vijayaprasad said...

Woww.. I really liked the way you put it!! A shooting match!! lolz!! What a match it would be!! Your the world's best shooter!! No one's there to match you

Unknown said...

Congrats Abhinav for the medal.. you have made all of us proud..Thank you

Read in few articles that you have put money from ur pocket....you could do it as you are from wealty family....but what about those thousands of ppl in India who are talented but can not come ahead cause of financial problems

I feel ppl like you should do something for them now...we always talk about govt not doing anything...But i guess our govt currently having other issues (poverty, uneducation, terrorisom) to fight with...and so may be sports is not a priority right now.

But ppl like us can come together and do something.. I am from software industry in india...and when i spoke abt this issue with my frnds they all were willing to do something for it...but we are not aware of the right way...now you are our hope... we may not be able to help with lacs of ruppees...but thousands together will definitely make lacs...

It would be really nice if you do something about it...Or if you are aware of any such organisation...please inform

Once again thanks a lot for making all Indians proud. may you won many more such golds

srilu said...

so finally njoying success wid ur family n frens.heard in tv dat u wanna start some coaching institute for shooting to give training keeping olympics in mind; its a marvellous idea....All the veryy best for dat:)

srilu said...

And ur blog is very good;its funny(regarding.......shooting match u wanna play:)i jus wanna know abt how ur routine used to be before u won the olympics gold medal n now???guess...a lottttt of things might have been changed....'coz u r now a biggg hero...a GOLD STAR infact:)

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

It is so nice to see an achiever with his feet firmly on ground and all his humility intact. May you reach for the stars!

Unknown said...

more than your buddies you are excited to be back home finally i believe!!every word you have put shows how happy and excited you are!!!you are witty!!!!
but then dude!!!!!a 25yr man from punjab(wheat bowl of india)is jus 60 and a sports man too!!!wonder how you stay healthy!!!i am yonger than u by 8 yrs....but still i'am jus 5 kgs less than u and dont actually look fat....you better come to tamil nadu and stay here for a week!!!coz all my north Indian friends come here like slim dolls and in a span of 2 yrs they get back home like (really cute) pumkins!!!your last two posts showed little disintrest from your side but now you are back in full form!!keep going!!!!

Unknown said...

i truly wish the boxers bring home gold.....so that you as a watching (normal)Indian would feel the way we felt when you won gold and understand what it means to us and no reaction was too much from public side.....and you guy dont seem to read all comments or is it that you are jus determined not to respond to any (serious)request in these comments.....????

Parul said...

u hav made us proud...."GUD JOB"!!.it's gud to see a cute face every morning these days in d newspaper......
butin d beginning u seemed rather serious...but.....hurray u r funny...(u hav a gud sense of humuor.)..tat's a relief...but every1's impressed cause u r so intact to the ground beneath ur feet ....tat's wat makes u stand out d crowd......

Farha said...

Hi Abhinav,
Good idea .. invite them over n just do their brain wash .i 'm sure they'll drop the idea of hurting u after meeting u .. :)

Stuti said...

Oh man, even my pets do are the same... but u c, they are always there anytime, however angry or joyful you are, to secure you and to whom u can go on talking about worldly things without their interruption, right?
I applaud u for now having a Z-plus.

ninad said...

Dear Abhinav,
I and my wife are following your blog since the news of your success( google search credit goes to her). I was also lucky enough to see you at the Embassy Felicitation Function in Beijing and was amused to see how we all ( including we both , hehe) thronged you . well, the thing really touched me then was your coolness and kind of detachment from all that was going around you. I noticed it in the very first interviews and remarks by you in Beijing. and I again noticed it in your latest comment , especially the last sentence of it.So nice to have an achiver amidst us who really knows what he has achived and how to look forward without not letting feet swept off the ground.we all ( me n readers of this post)sometime in our life surely have gone through such an attention( albeit assuredly not as great as yours)but the calm and ease that you have shown in handling it has really captivated me. All the Best for you Dear compatriot! Hope we will see more sucess from you and more people getting inspired . And at our embassies around the world we will have chance to celebrate it and get the much needed ' face' to present India towards the sportsworld, in particular.
-Trupti & Ninad Deshpande (IFS), Embassy of India, Beijing.

Krishna said...

Hi Abhi,
Congrats for an Historical achievement & Prestige that has been a dream to the Nation and reality is Abhinav Bindra .Your are the Pride and Prestige of India (and its citizens), whose spirit is a soul for every sportsperson of India ,So its the responsibility of every citizen to protect and secure , for your contribution to the Nation,so is why The Government is Giving a Z-Category Security .A Jawan serves the country from the external forces outside the country ,a sportsman serves country with his/her gaming and spotive spirit representing the nation ,where the Nation aims to contribute itself for world peace to prosper and acceptance ,by participating in International Sport events ,where also lies prestige and pride,competence ,capability,strength and standard of our nation among other countries ,that we too have the best Sportspersons and we can deliver.So to protect and safe guard and prosper our prestige (Abhinav Bindra) is a default sincere responsibility.

Rikin Desai "Aakash" said...

There are lotz of money flowin yo way, i m sure you deserves the same lot. You made all of us proud and an individual gold means one hack of d job.But i think the same gonna b once in d blue moon for ever.

Cricket associations, State Govt, Central Govt, Multi-Billionaires, Business Man thy all came up wid their token of good luck. But I wz going through your own blog comments, there are ppl seeking financial help but they dont have money to make at least a fair effort for making a individual gold a consistent one?

Guess, your blogs the place where there is a comment which asks for support he s not getting, and the same way there is another comment which says i wanna help but dunno watz d way?

I wish you become the bridge to them...!!

At Last of it all, a Team of 56 with double the quantity of officials who are enjoying superior facilities compared to some of the players. I need ur view over it, Is there a real need of Such a big count of officials required??

Had you ever felt being a player, amount spent over their comfirt of support staff, can be used to increase the next Olympic's Gold count to - Two?

Unknown said...

Hey, I am sure most of us get the drift.Sportsmen and women should be as loved for their effort as they are when they succeed and yeah, I admit that we aren't as sincere or loyal to our sportsmen as your loving furballs,but you know, we can always learn and I guess the lesson will be well taken....It's just that some scintillating performances in between help keep up the belief and motivation.Obviously, you can see what your achievement has done to the nation and how they(we) are gunning for the bullseye now,especially in Chandigarh , pun intended ;-)Well, now if all they want is a shooting duel against you ,then what's the harm in showing who's the boss ? lol just kidding :-P but yeah, point taken, you are the same person as you were before winning the medal.Only that you have won yourself a lot of love and blessings apart from the golden treat of course.Sure everything that goes up comes down, but no one says that everything that goes down can't come up again :-)

swapnaja said...

i believe the terrorists too would love too hire you for a day or so ... who else would help them do theid work so clean , get used to the stuff at the earliest , coz this is probably what you will see for quite some time now . just hoping that the attention your getting doesn't die out too fast , as public memory is short . as for your doggys ..... had they known what an olympic gold medal means , maybe they too would have been just the way you wanted them too .. but its good they don't coz some things are best only when they are normal ...
good day

mystiquegirl said...

hey dude
U r chilling at home wid yor doggies,surely hvng a nice time but it seems U hv resolvd 2 nt gvng attntn 2 anythng other than yorself rightnw n dat,s why nt respndng 2 any blog comment

Athira Unni said...

congrats!! keep safe and take care...Happy Rakshabandhan from a sister in South India...

VaRsHa VaRmAn said...

sir, i learnt that u attended some course at munich of sports mental management. could u pls tell me how i could also attend that course for i also want to be mentally stronger. i m an air pistol shooter but need some mental guidance. and pls also tell me the minimum age recquired for attending that course pls do contact me at varshavarman@gmail.com. i would really appreciate u doing it since u r so busy with media and all. have a nice day.

The Lunatic said...

Oh! How good does it feel to be back home. In that known ambiance, with people we know well, who will be same no matter what! Have good time Abhinav.

Shilpa Saira Thomas said...

hii...happy to see that u update your blog regularly..and also that you are an animal lover..take care of yourself to protect yourself from any attack... i agree with you that something should never change...have a great time with your family... and a big thanks for making one full nation proud of you.take care..

Isha said...

Congrats Abhi.

As you said you have given confidence to the fellow Indians that "we can do it" and we are proud of you.


sid said...

Somethings never change...
isnt that nice about life!!

good to see "real" people getting recognition for their work...

rather than the glitz of models and stars which surround us!!

anshul said...

nice to see u are updating ur blog regulalry...keep doin it..


ABhinav is the proud of the country with as a remark of an unsung hero



East said...

Heartiest Congrats!

When I saw Indian flag being hoisted, I felt tears in my eyes. I know your achievement can change the attitude towards Sports in India.

Best wishes!

Unknown said...

so voices of congrats are slowly sinking and voices of expectations are rising high in your comments......break your silence and answer them dude....

Unknown said...

hi congrats abhinav ,needless to say you've done us all a great favour by getting in the prized gold medal.Lets hope the boxers too follow in your footstep.And I would like to add that your literary skills as are as good as your shooting skills.Keep it up....

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Congratulations Abhinav..

The whole nation is proud and so excited about your victory but you are so humble and calm.. i think that's your strength..

Your last shot which hit the Bull's-eye was amazing..
Hope our Boxers too win gold medals.. Achievers like you and Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore are inspiration to the young sportsmen..

The moment when our National Anthem was played at Beijing after u won the gold medal was so great.. I was really moved.. And that moment is because of u.. Thanks Abhi!!!

All the best..!!

Unknown said...

Hello Abhinav
The People from Zirakpur are really proud of u. I always whenever passed to Patiala or Further i saw Bindra Farm, but never tried to pay much attention,but after ur Gold day, now it has become in limelight not for me or india but for the whole world. After a long years of hard-work it took only a single for the world change for u. Abhinav was also before that , but its ur hard work who pays and will remain paying u. I request u to enjoy ur days, pls donot be so introverted.

Dr Sukhdeep,Zirakpur

lord of blog said...

hi abhinav,

congratulations and thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chandigarh Management Tutor said...

Well abhinav,,this is the right time to strengthen the business ..Would be interested in meeting you and sharing my dreams with you



Try to throw some weight on me for a change... it would be nice change from so-called dogs haunting you as if you are meat(...:-()...

so many so-called dogs haunting u ...

Real dogs are better they know you are what you are... tomorrow if you don't win the same so-called dogs will eat you lol... but not real dogs...

Oh sorry so-called dogs are better called great .... great... great.... or they will eat me right now... after all they would always want meat in any name......yet all that is illusion... as they are just the same, a simple reflection of divine...cocooned in illusions....

Isn't it funny little kid :-) Enjoy the show enjoy the drama... while I sit and relax and enjoy seeing you like you enjoy seeing girls... but I enjoy seeing both and everything...

Kidding... you know some so-called dreams are better left as dreams...

Remember these people are not enthralled or licking or appreciating abhinav

The real abhinav is somwhere missing... they have no idea of it... for that abhinav.. target may be 2 or even more gold... or none... who knows ....lol... dynamic flow...;-)... it is a grand play...

Search for the real you and all these things will disappear and you will find everything always as it is.... a continous flux of things.... everything changes and yet an unchangeable... The day you discover it...it will be a gold medal more valuable than any gold...

Say hello to fur ball... tell them it would have been fun to see lucky hardworker ... cute baby kid abhi throwing his weight ...on me not on them... ha ha after all I am still a little kid,young enough to absorb little 60Kgs - before it grows - ....


Ok have fun

I accept you as you are without distinctions...a simple reflection of divine... shooter or no shooter...gold medalist or not...

The real you is beyond a shooter or any attachment(ego)... introvert extrovert all is illusion...

Don't bother... enjoy the show...

May you attain the real where there are no distinctions left of I or you or of attainment or non-attainment... the true aim of being ... the reason why you are here...

Lots of real Love,Hugs,Kisses admiration and divine bliss from unknown.... to unknown....

Unknown said...

cheers....again.....to me..... managed to be the 50th once again...

FalCoN said...

i jus opened my blog account today and the listing showed yours on the picks.i didn't know who you were and then suddenly there's this monday morning and now evryone's harping and buzzzzing on your name.had to even make a prezsentation on you.u have become a part of coursebuk already.lol.;)but atta boy u made us all proud.and yes its indeed nice for sum things to stay the way they are...forever.i am hitting the bed...for a nice sleep. u take care.

Unknown said...

jus log into orkut and see(if u havnt already...)there's a theme based on you....and all my frnds have got that theme.....its independance day spl. by orkut....

OuTRagE said...

Hearty congrats Abhinav on winning the gold medal for India.
I am more happy of the fact that Indians have finally got something other to interest them other than "Cricket", than of the fact that India has got its first medal . Man its a pity to see India despite being the world's second most populated nation gets satisfaction from just one or two medals .
Its high time now that we start our quest for more and more medals and not just get satisfied with few medals.
The government and the politicians should realize the fact that there are many more sports than cricket and should also help promoting them. "Hockey" which is so-called the national sport of India, has fallen prey to the "bad-politics".
You have set yourself as an example and now our budding athletes should follow the same-path as yours . So that we can gain some respectful position in the medal-tally.

Alexi Frest said...

Congratulations to your achievements, well done. All your compatriots are proud of you, enjoy yourself, have a rest and relax.

It was touching, your hints of your animals :-)

Unknown said...

Congratts Man!!!

Great Achievement!!!

After reading your blog I am so touched by your thoughts and feelings. Some of them brought a smile on my face (like you are still the same person for your dog and that z-plus security and running away in disguise) and you have become a Idol for the kind of simple living and thoughts you have.

Also your patriotism feelings are very vibrant and speaks volume. Its good that inspite of the kind of overwhelming response you have got after your sucess you still would like to be the same person you were...because a lot of people get carried away by that kind of sucess.

You have made the entire nation proud...unlike anyother person from anyother sport I personally feel you have touched more hearts than our cricketing heroes. You have created history...and will your name will be written in by the golden ink.

Once again Congratts and all the best for your future...also i will also try to do my bit for the nation in my own way and limitations.

Thanks a lot for sharing your wonderful thoughts.

nagadeepthi said...

hi congrats............
more than for ur medal u should be appreciated for ur simpicity

Unknown said...

hello....there....where's today's post..?????!!!!!!believe u r having a great time wid people who r no matter what are your's always....hope your house is flooding wid relatives and well wishers....
have a great time....but be back atleast tomorrow....

Sujata Mohindra said...

Congratulations on your phenominal success..... it feels great to hear our national Anthem playing on the Olympic stadium....it really brings out a lot of emotions and my skin actually stars getting goose bumps.... i am sure you can't even begin to descibe the kind of feeling you must be having standing there....yopu have really done our country proud and would for ever be a source of inspiration for the generations to come and for the parents (like me...)of the coming generations....

Deepak said...


It just feels awesome , i cant say much. You have made all of us proud.

No other words, keep going

Great job done.

Sunshine said...

Wow... I found your blog just by chance and now I find who it belongs to. XD
Congrats, you made it really good in the competition. ;) Hope you get more medals. :P
I have 2 friends in the competition, Pedro Póvoa and Paulo Martins, in Taekwondo, I'm expecting them to be good! Maybe Pedro brings a medal to Portugal. :D Well, I'm expecting to be just half as good as Pedro is, too (I practise Taekwondo). XD
Hope you go on getting better on your sport and winning many more medals. :P
Best wishes for future.


P.S. Sorry about my poor English, it sucks, I know. XD

Unknown said...

Welcome back. Visit Ahmednagar some day.


Anonymous said...

congrats U rocked all the way

yellow said...

Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats.... Congrats....

You done it .............
Next time it will inspire a lot........


Anonymous said...

hi mr.bindra.....
i m one of the billion indians wanting to congradulate u!!! my heartfelt wishes!!! i guess u r not a person who expresses emotions freely! i saw u were so controlled when u recieved the medal....i m quiet impressed! i can see that u have put so much effort to attain this feet! i should also confess i hav never come across ur name before the beijing olympics!i m really irritated how the media claims that u were such a talented person all along.....since they have never mentioned ur name before nor hav talked about ur talents!i was even more shocked when u were showered with awards,prizes etc., from different states when they came to know u have won......i wonder whether the respective state goverments had ever thought to encourage the sports faternity with finance n facilities before they participated in beijing!
anyways.....u deserve the awards,fame,glory.....etc as u are our nation's first olympic hero! hats off to u!

voicing out said...

congrats! never seen a champion who is so subdued in celebration, not in india atleast. we in india need a break from 'nothn good can happen here'. you give hope to 400 million people, n showed that personal grit n hardwork can make chages. keep the good work goin,hearty congrats to you

Yetkhal said...

hi Abhinav
threat to u..... who s that guy ask him to go and attend next olympic in london so that he must realize how hardly u achieve that let him realize...that n man take care....we r proud of u n hope our two boxers gets medal..

Arsh Panwar said...

Congrats abhinav for creating history... I am also a shooter and was about to quit the game... But ur medal's inspired me and am continuing the sport... Thanx fr encouraging me

Acharya said...

Hearty congrats
Thank you so much for give us a unforgettable proud.

dilipan daniel said...

one mans own victory makes nation proud .

Unknown said...

For the first time in my life I am more concerned about Boxing than about the cricket match.To be ruthlessly honest, I kind of don't care about the cricket match that's to be played tomorrow .I wonder if I am still Indian :-P

nisha said...

thank you abhinav,for continouing ur blog.
keep blogging n give us chance to know abhinav.

frankly speaking as i'm a computer student, i dont know anything about shooting n all that. i am totally unknown with you,but after you won the gold medal,trully speaking today i know everything about you like where u from? ur school,collge,ur bba degree n now ur a ceo of ur own company etc etc etc..........
i didnt missed ur a single interview.
the one thing is attact me towards you is ur cute n innocent face and calm,cool nature,i love it.
give me some tips to become cool...
tell something more about ur self.

relax n welcome home!!!

Kiran Chand said...

You should invite them over for a shooting match :-) Btw whats a bb gun?

Mr. Nissan said...


rebelraiser said...

real cool brother

Jenny Bean said...

Ok, blog of note is what brought me here. This post made me laugh. If you think fur balls are a link to reality, you should try kids. Between three kids and two dogs, I KNOW all my flaws. Husband would probably help BUT he is too smart to upset me :)

Alex said...


Airport security never makes sense. I think that every time they make an elderly woman get out of her wheelchair for the "random" search.

Garry said...

hi anubhav

Congrts Dude !!!

You did really good job man
we proud of you keep it up

Charu Bahri said...

"It was a bit of a relief to be honest -- somethings don't and should not change."

Sincerely glad you realized that on your first day home itself...value the presence / company / words of such people and doggies and animals - you get the drift... :) Also glad to note that I'm not the only person with a dogga who disregards my commands :) But hey, let me not detract from my main purpose...congrats on your marvellous achievement. May the medals keep pouring in!

Unknown said...

Your achievement is really great and so is your attitude towards the victory.

Unknown said...

A threat to you! now that's surprising and totally unexpected!
Well somethings in Life never change and its good that they don't change!
This update of yours is really funny.Let me tell you write really well.
You must be feeling great to be back with your cute buddies!
Whenever I get time I check every leading Indian newspaper's website to check if they have any article about you or if they have your interview.I really appreciate your calm and composed nature,Please never change that nature.
Well then just relax and have fun with your buddies! and your family.

Rats said...

Congratulations. you are a perfect example of how regular folks with focus and dedication can achieve some unbelieveable results.

A great hero for all the people in the land who begin doing stuff but give up somewhere due to lack of direction, opportunity and whatever else

As they say- with great power comes great responsibility- you are today in a position of power and while i do know you prefer being candid- could you reflect and leisure and share with the rest of the world the journey you went through while you reached this destination

could you share with us what you saw among non Indian contingent at the Olympics that you thought we need to start doing more of - could be in sport and may be applicable to life in general


अमित द्विवेदी said...

सफलता इसी तरह से तुम्हारे कदम चूमती रहे और तुम्हारा निशाना लक्ष्य पर लगता रहे हम ये कामना करते हुए आपको ढेरों बधाई देते हैं. इस देश को तुम पर नाज़ है अभिनव

Unknown said...

Hi Abhinav,

Congratulations! You have done the impossible and have done us proud. Certainly history has been made with your feat at the Olympics. I am glad to know that you are a down to earth person, and is not too overwhelmed by the "Z" category security and all.

I am a blogger too, and blog at http://johnpmathew.blogspot.com. One of my blog post is about your win. Do visit it sometime.

best wishes, and congrats again!


sasi said...

Hai Abhinav Bindra My Heartly Congrachulations top you for winning Goldmedal In Beijing Olympics.Present you deserve a good rest.And I Hope you get many more goldmedals to our India.

sasi said...

Hai Abhinav Bindra My Heartly Congrachulations top you for winning Goldmedal In Beijing Olympics.Present you deserve a good rest.And I Hope you get many more goldmedals to our India.

D.Priya said...

Heartly Congrats,

As an Indian i am proud on u.

But i think 1 gold medal is not enough for u.Try with 50m and 100m for next olympics.U can.

Take care,

With regards,

Unknown said...

Hi Abhinav...

Congrats for making us all proud...

I am also a shotgun shooter in india and it is very encouraging and inspiring for all of us to share your experience through this blog...

Great going

In fact it is a learning experience to see how you handle all the publicity and media hype and still remain calm and composed...

I wish you all the best for the future and hope that we all can make our country proud in some way or the other....

Jayakumar said...

You have a great way not only with guns, but also with words. This is an awesome post. Enjoyed it.

Unknown said...

I am just soo proud of you
You had the Passion,the Determination,the Focus,the Facilities and the will to work hard and beat the obstales in your way.
In the end every inch of your effort has paid off really well.
You have given the country a new reason to rejoice.
You are the Golden boy of India and will be forever.
Thank you!

suchetana said...

hey abhinav
heartiest congratulations to you for bringing the gold medal to our country.we are all so proud of you.thank you very much for making us feel like this..
wishing you all the best for years to come..

Turbo said...

Let the nation stand behind you, not stand on you.

In round one of the Men's 110m Hurdles on this morning, Chinese Olympic champion Liu Xiang withdrew entirely from the event because of his injury.

Liu Xiang is China's only possibility of gold medal in track and field. As a result, he is under big pressure with people's great hope. But an injury to his right take-off foot has been affecting him for about six years.

In the morning, ten thousands of people came to the stadium only for Liu Xiang. But they didn't see the show of their hero. They're shocked, dissappointed and sad, not for a medal, but for a dream.

In track and field, Asian people is always the weakest. But in 2004 Athens Olympics, Liu Xiang changed this. From that time, he is the proud of China.Today, he left, but not lost.

Some young men became famous in one night because of a success. However, maybe someday, he has to leave. At that time, we still love them. Because they give us a hope, a dream. And we know they are common and may always fail, like everyone of us.

Unknown said...

You have made us proud.

Ramesh Agnisharma said...

Hey! Take Some Rest Now!

Capitalcrux said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

hey abhinav,
you've made the country look up dude..great job done!! welcome back home..

and yes a sunny blog you have there :) got a lab at home.. we call him Max :)

obscurityspeaks.blogspot.com.. yup, that's where i blog...

i blog on sulekha.com too.. obscurityspeaks.sulekha.com too.. am sure many other bloggers out there would love to have you around.

btw, i found this link from sulekha congratulating you. thought of sharing it with you.


Anonymous said...

hey abhinav,
you've made the country look up dude..great job done!! welcome back home..

and yes a sunny blog you have there :) got a lab at home.. we call him Max :)

obscurityspeaks.blogspot.com.. yup, that's where i blog...

i blog on sulekha.com too.. obscurityspeaks.sulekha.com too.. am sure many other bloggers out there would love to have you around.

btw, i found this link from sulekha congratulating you. thought of sharing it with you.


Unknown said...

jus came to say good noon and have a great day......,

Unknown said...

too busy business man????!!!!!
wil u write atleast today?

King Sidharth said...

I understand... its so lonely on top... relax man these light are for few months then it will b all normal. Till then read my blog:

mayank said...

HI !
I just want to post a special designed poster made for you .
we every fort night make a poster on current heppening around us and mail it to 5000 different people across the Glob . This activity
is well appriciated by verious national news channels and national newpapers like TOI. we call this as "STOPPRESS"

STPPRESS of this fortnight isbeen designed on you and ur recent feet.
I wanted this to send it to you. As a proudefull INDIAN .
Pls sir can u help me by giving me anyof ur personal id (where i can send u a soft copy or anyof ur address where i can send you a hard copy)
or pls guide me how to send it?
I m sending this message form my personal id if u wish you can even send me any of ur id on my this Idif u do not wish to put your personal ID/address on common blog
awaiting for your favourable reply

Ramani Rao said...

Hearty Congrats...

Anand Rajanala said...

Abhi nice feeling to see india in the medals list I hope the way you showed will inspire more atheletes in the near future.
Our boxers are doing good...
Thanks abhi....

yasho said...

Hi Abhinav


tweety said...

I know how u would feel when become famous in one day... Things will be normal soon for u... Until that be in home , plays with ur pet and enjoy watching olympics..

Resmi Jaimon said...

Congrats! You have made all Indians proud with the first ever gold. It was unbelieveable to know an Indian has finally created history. Couldn't stop watching the cermony again and again; not to mention how it was to see you receiving the medal as both Indian flag and anthem was going on in the background. Good going! Good luck! And good wishes for your family too, who have supported you all along.

Since your victory hoping to see more winners from India. :)

Resmi Jaimon
Freelance Writer, Kochi


Mithosh Joseph said...


Dear Bindra,
Its quite funny to learn your affinity and love towards home and to the pets...The great Bindra keep a mild heart full of joy and affection...The model boy again gives a message to those who keep themselves apart from all relation while enjoying the colours at the peek of a mountain.
Naughty and
Dared to
Regain peoples'
Affection..Like our cute BINDRA

arnab said...

Respected Mr. Abhinav Bindra,

A Happy Peaceful Successful Year 2008!!!! Greetings from a small friend in Canada!!!.

I am a student of Grade VII and an acute patient of Blood Cancer and
the attending doctors have proclaimed that my days are numbered.
You are already and continue to be one of the finest and most talented
International noble sportsman and a dynamic world leader in World
shooting. Through your superb sports delivering qualities and correct
application of your tough administrative powers – you have improved
upon the sporting spirit of India to become a World Champion
in your era of cricket. Your noble efforts in uplifting the
shooting fraternity of India shall long be path finder for the
developing countries of the World.
It was really very encouraging and breathtaking to see you the other
day in television.It is so so much encouraging and really memorable
-Gold Medal win at the ISSF World Shooting Championship in 2006 -- training -- winning - noble down to
earth human being - a complete picture of Lord Jesus.Ur Gold Medal in Beijing shall boost up my fight with my dreaded disease.U know that my
treatment is painful and frustrating.I lost my parents when i was 2. I
have nobody in this World.U r my last hope.I need yr inspiration to
fight out my dreaded disease.

I am grateful to government of Canada to have provided me with an
opportunity to come to Canada. I have come to Canada in February ,
2005 for my treatment and it really has been a
fascinating experience for me till today. I have been overwhelmed by
the warmth and hospitality of your country, its people and its rich
You understand meeting you in person is very difficult for your tight
schedule and my ailing health conditions. This e-mail is my only
source of reaching out to you. My heart and mind bleeds out to reach you
in person but my physical ailments prevents me from fulfilling my
dreams.Due to the
critical nature of chemotherapy I am not allowed to go out
of the hospital due to infection problem ..i am distressed and devastated in mind and
soul.I feel very frustrated at times that God has given such a
terrible disease. I value sports and sports personalities above all. I
shall be ever very grateful if you kindly send me yr precious "AUTOGRAPH ( SIGNATURE ) " to my
mailing address at :





Looking forward to your early reply with eager expectation. Your noble
reply shall give me strength to live longer. Please please reply as
soon as possible. I shall be anxiously waiting for your reply.Your
reply shall be a blessing to an almost hopeless life trying to
survive.i have already written to u 4 times but
without much effect. This is my last source of contact and effect
please.Please Please reply.Please do not neglect me.what more can a
Blood Cancer patient ask for request for ....



Unknown said...

Hi Abhinav! congrats! and u deserve a gud rest, and somethings in life never change! Nice to read ur blogs btw...

geetanjali said...

hai abhinav my heartly congratulations to u . i can't express our feelings ho happy i am .today every indian proud of u.u r an inspiration not only to me and all indians who want to create an history like u

mystiquegirl said...

hey abhi
kitna relax kroge bro......????
all yor fans r gt'ng restless!!
jaldi se blog ntry kro...............
right now....!!!!!!!



Abhinav this is my first comment i m writting it.

I want to dedicate you a song of celione dion - that's the way.

By being the first ever Indian to win an individual Olympic gold, u has broken this country's so far unblemished record of a perfect zero in the context of OLYMPIAN excellence. According to me, u should be an inspiration to all sportspersons in the country. But it's not just our sportspeople who need a inspirational shot in the arm; we all of us do.
Dn't worry.You also knw that Z-security will be for one day.After a few months everthing wiil be clear out and for govt. you will be know more. Then our great politicians will be going to say tht its ok he won it.So wts a big deal. But i hope u have enjoyed the govt. welcome.

Megha said...

Hey Abhinav,

You write pretty well! And the frequency with which you've been updating your blog... you'll have me hooked onto it. :p

As for security threat- take care.


Unknown said...

are you allright man...???two days since you have posted something...too busy....?!take care have a great day....now that the comments have crossed 100 i dont think you would come this far and read this...but if you getr to read this get back to your blog asap.

ajit said...

i was thrilled to see you calm and composed on winning GOLD
that shows your inner strength and confidence

Merry Dudette said...

Hi Abhinav,

Nice to find and read your blog page!

Many congratulations on your lofty achievement! it was really very special, absolutely no words at that.

I've begun to admire just everything about you, be it your never-say-die attitude, your charisma, sense-of-humor, commitment to your dreams and more importantly ur level-headedness at the brink of such immense heights.

It was a clean harvest of your dedication and patience. Way to go buddy!

And hope you continue to live the life of your dreams.. wish you all success :)

nagardee said...

hey abhinav, i thought of writing earlier but somehow didnt.
first of all congrats (of course)

u know untill sometime back i used to believe ends justify the means.
but now i know , means are as important as ends.
though most of us are bothered about the ends only.

you have passion. thats why you made it, and thats why i write to u. keep up the flame inside you. there is still much to be done. much to be achived , many to be inspired.

bon voyage. :)

Unknown said...

Seems like you are relaxing nowadays.Good,its very important to relax and give time to yourself and your family and friends.Its very important to relax so that you can re-ignite the flame within yourself!
But Abhinav we are really looking forward to read your next post on your blog.
You write very well and it has almost become my habit to read your blog everyday.
Take Care and relax!

Unknown said...

HEARTY CONGRATULATIONS Abhinav...You made over 1 Billion Indians PROUD...

soujanya said...

Hi Abhinav,

Hearty Congratulations....You made the dream of the country come true.I'm the one who always take pride in my country and now i say am proud my fellow Indian, Abhinav Bindra who brought glory to the nation and absolutely y not???
And you know wat, when i hear the national anthem echoing, when the indian flag raising high and seeing u on the podium with gold, i donno wats the feeling tht went thru me,, strange never before....u r definitely someone to say kudos for watever u have done n will be doing......all the very best for ur future endeavours.
And afetr all, now take good rest and jst take care...be the one who u are for ever n ever.

Jags said...

Buddy, Congrats. Please do some thing great to keep the India's place Forever in Olympics

Srini Nilagiri said...

Hi Abhinav,
Congrats and thank you for making us proud. Wish you many more achievements in your life. All the best.

Unknown said...

Abhinav Bhai...Congrats...we r proud of you man...all Indians in India and all Indians from all over the world blessing you Abhi...keep it up and all the best

Unknown said...

Coool man.. Take rest..

Akanksha said...

Even after acheiving so much u seem to b so humble,down-to-earth n simple person.Really appreciable.Fame will come n go with time but ur virtues will b always with u.But yes,ur glorious success will always b cherished.May god bless u n bestow u more n more success like this.
Achha, do u have any difficulty in speaking hindi?....actually while i was watching a program on u on a news channel then i felt as if u r not so much fluent in speaking hindi.....anyways it doesnt matter so much but i request u to improve it(but as u wish)...
At last i would like to say u that just b the same Abhinav in future also...

Smruti said...

hi abhinav
you have proved that nothing is impossible if u have faith in ourself....
congrates for ur success in olympics
did great job and made we indians feel proud...
yesterday only i came to know that u had a blog (while using google)
so i felt this is the right way to congratulate our star...
our city is also not behind in congratulating u (i live at nagpur( this city is
situated in maharashtra)) now, their are big hoardings on the city's busiest road
written congrats abhinav we are proud of u. i am just impressed by ur deads
feels proud when people talks about ur achivement.

anyways now when u have reached at home u can take rest at last
and yes this Z-plus security for ur protection...
great thing......
actually i thought to congratulate u on orkut if u are in it...
but when i entered ur name in the search list
there were more than hundred people how
actually have changed their first name to either
abhinav we r proud of u or abhinav bindra our hero
and the list goes on and on and on.....
Really u r a rare precious gem n we r all proud of u..
may god bless u n ur family with lots of happiness
n success.

Gopinath Mavinkurve said...

After reading your blog, I am happy to learn about your down to earth approach to victory and fame. We hope we can all learn to keep the fame from not getting to our head that is a bigger victory, I suppose!

If you like some humour, do read my "Artickles" blog, whenever time permits (If your Z-security insists you should be in your room browsing on the net, that is!. I am sure you will enjoy it!

worldtech said...


I think india flag is now happy with your win.

Please post Google Adcode at bottom of your blog..PLZ


My E-mail gvkreddy007@gmail.com

austere said...


Because of you, India walked taller.


shivagadiblog said...

hey buddy its nice to hear ......
that atlast after 108 years we won a gold medal in individual in the form of abhinav
keep on rocking and show the power of indian to the world

we the indians always be with u encouraging in each and every step of ur achivements and will give strength which leads u to make concetrate on future achivements

Unknown said...

man....what on earth are you doing man.....too busy to spend 5 mins. in updating your blog?!pls do update man.....you dont seem to be active in any other social networking community too....
now we people have started to look at your blog as a good writer's one....pls do write man......i'll be leaving to hostel in a week and i'm looking 4ward to reading atleast two of your posts b4 dat....do keep updating your blog....once you have started something you shouldnt drop out half way through....hope nothing is wrong with your health.....

this is for you said...

hi machan u did good job..........

this is for you said...

hi machan u did good job..........

naveed said...

Hi Abhinav!! Great to know that you have a blog!!

Congratulations for giving wonderful gift to my country.

You are more valuable than kohinoor diamond!

Enjoy every movement of beautiful life.

Jasmine Kahlon said...

Indeed, get some very well deserved R and R.

Your security is imp. as now you are the Pride Of India, which unfortunately makes you a target of India-haters. Though, it is ironical that you are protected by guns, as you have said. However, things like this come unannounced.

P.S - Endorsement offers are on their way too...Enjoy!

Best wishes


Hey ABHI!!! u carved a niche for INDIA in GOLD!!!not just your SHOOTING...but your career as an MBA graduate and a foreign return to India...is really EXCITING!!!

Way to go buddy!!!CHEERS and CONGRATULATIONS on your big achievement.


Hi Abinav,

You made Indians Proud on world's big stage. Your achievement should give Indian officials and people that there are so many sports other than cricket which can make Indians proud. Best of luck for your future and keep the good work.

Satish said...

Cheers to Abhinav Bindra....!

U got it. Thank u very much for giving a wonderful golden paragraph in the ancient Indian History.

Be proud to be an Indian.....!


Balazee4U said...

Hi Abhinav,

first of all Congrats...I Just(19 Aug 2008) read a news column in a telugu news paper about your blog. Now i have gone through your blog its sounds very nice...nice articles. Keep It Up.

I(Balaji Chilla) am from Hyderabad(Andhrapradesh). I have ablog named "For U and Forever" In that blog i posted some colleges in India and Andhrapradesh State. That is Just i wanna popular in the web.

My Favorite web site is: http://www.netzgate.com and http://www.netzgate.org


Unknown said...

Hi ,Abhinav congrats for ur success
.you done a great job .I wish u all the best for ur bright future

harypetloz said...

U hav done a gr8 job...
U hav added 1 mor Anmol keemthi stone 2 crown of INDIA...
God bless u Abhinav...
Keep winning.....

Saifee said...

hearty congrats
You have done all of us proud. i dont understand the way of expressing my feelings as my heart had filled with emotions when i saw u acepting gold on my television. One crore indian must say u thanks and on behalf of all my indian brothers and sister i say u thanks thanks again for giving me a chance to raise my head and say the world that yes i am a indian. thanks again....


Impermanency said...


Heartiest congratulations.

isn't it for a moment irritating/annoying/whatever else that the whole world around u is showering words of praise while two of your family(chotu and buddy) hardly care abt ur achievement? it's so simple to understand life if looked at simply. no matter what the achievements, no matter what the accolades, at the end of it all, there's this unforgiving void. a void which leaves a permanent imprint and lingers tho most of the attentive ones are reminded that life is impermanent and living in the now is probably the most difficult thing to happen.

congrats once again. my observation above in no way takes away the intensity of ur effort and the resultant glory. all the very best to u.

A-Level Placements & Mgmt.Solutions said...

Dear Abhinav!!!

Congratulations!!! for bringing India the pride which was so long awaited!! You have proved that there is so much in sports, beyond cricket!!!

i would like to share that i really see my brother in you whenever i see your pics on the TV. So much composed and decent. I lost my brother who was a leading cardiologist in a road accident and believe me life has never been the same. You have said in your blog that you really wish things to remain the same as they were but believe me there are certain happenings in life after which life doesnt continue to remain the same. Its good that in your case things have happened for the good.

Also one more thing to share, for past few days we had been in hunt for a pet dog for us. And finally we decided to pick beagle as our pet from one of the Kennel Magazine published from India, with beagle on the cover page!!! After two days we came to know from the newspaper that you too have a beagle. And believe me we had thought of our pet's name as Buddy. Wattaa coincidence!!!! I am not sure if your beagle has the same name. I told my daughter that Abhinav too has a beagle and she was so excited. I know its a long-2 comment for you to read but i just couldnt hold myself sharing it with you.

Lots of love!!!!


Adharsh Praveen said...

Hey Abhinav Bindra,

Congratulations. You are right some things won't and should not change overnight.

JS said...

I was moved to read about your perseverence after being medically 'knowcked out'. I'm probably older than your Dad, but I'd like you to know that your STORY is truly inspiring.

Way to go, Abhinav!

Unknown said...

Thank you abhinav..You made india proud and you deserve for this security..and the reception you got while came to INDIA...you fill the same enthusiasm in all our indian olympians....As you said...make corporate people to involve in these Olympic events sponsorships....Hope you are enjoying your ever waited moments...

Khaleel Shaik said...

Heartly congratulations Abhinav,

wish you all the best to earn and make out nation proud!!!

It will be very great if you can take a step to make another hundreds of Abhinavs from India to earn GOLD medals in Olympics.

Wishing for your ever success!!!
Yours wellwisher and your proud Indian brother... Khaleel.

Unknown said...

HI Abhinav,I really appriciate what u did did for the country by not letting it down.I heard about you here in local news papers and i am trilled you have u r own blog.
Have a blast

wakeupindia said...

hi abhinav.congrates on your success

Raghunath Reddy said...



One small and sincere suggestion
Please help the poor guys and encourage them in shooting so that we get many more medals in these type of big events.Now most of the people will reward you and award you but no one will look at those guys who will be in really need of help.I heard most of the people are giving lot lot money to u.For u its like one more glass of water in the sea.So we feel (I don't know all but almost all the people of india feel) proud if u do these type of actvities. If u like my suggestion please reply me to raghureddyknl@gmail.com

Khelpur said...

Dear Abhinav Heartly Congrats for your win...

I think you are the person, who can inspire lots of other players.

This Olympics will be remembered for your victory but we should not forget the efforts of players like Saina, Akhil, Jeetendra, Vijendra, Leander, Mahesh and Yogeshwar today.

I am sorry but you were the world champion we were expecting it from you since Sydney 2000. But efforts of players like Saina and Akhil should be encouraged. So that in future we can produce more Abhinavs .
So when they come back we should give them a hero's welcome and you are the right person to start with. You are a force right now and many people will follow you in course.

Best of luck

Naveen said...

Hats off to you Abhinav!


Andhra Pradesh Toursim said...

Hi Abhinav,
Hearty Congrats.
You have created a history in Olympics.
All INDIANS are proud on you.

sharmi said...

Congratulations Abhinav!u made us proud.Must say that you got a terrific sense of humor.

Congratulations and we are all proud of u :)

Amar said...

Dear Abinav.Hearty congrats and thanks for geting an olympic Gold to our country.

முத்தமிழ் இளைஞர் அரங்கம். said...

Dear Abhinav, I wish you and expect from youmore to this country coming out from poor Cricket, as a Sport I too respect cricket, But still, as a First ever Gold medal winner for our Country, You have more responsibilities to develop the morale ideas of the people who addict for cricket.

Cheers Buddy, You are a gem of our country. No one can kill your fame. we are all backing you vigourously.

I have written an article in Tamil at my Blogspace, Just visit once


Mahesh Thipparthi said...

Murali A Raghavan

The country’s population is thrilled that Abhinav Bindra got a Gold Medal at Olympic Games. But the Sports Ministry is in a state of shock. As soon as the news broke out, the Sports Ministry went into an emergency meeting to discuss the fall out of the event.

The Sports Minister with a grim face turned to the secretary and said “You said we won’t win a single medal. How did the goof up happen? Was the Olympic contingent selected properly? For years we have never won any medal and now there is a base created on which we would be assessed.”

The secretary replied “I’m sorry sir. We don’t know how things went wrong. We had hand picked the participants and ensured that they will get knocked out of the games in the first round itself. It amazes me how this chap Abhinav got better of us. May be he is some sort of a prodigy with rifle. I’m told he has a large backyard where he used to practice shooting regularly.”

The Sports Minister scowled “You know what this means. People’s expectations have gone up. It puts unnecessary pressure on the other participants to perform and get medals. Poor guys, they have not even done sight seeing of half Beijing and you have pushed them into gruelling competition.”

“Shall we black out the news?” the secretary asked.

“No all the channels have already broken the news and we cannot retract now” said the minister. “Let’s immediately constitute an inquiry to find out how the whole thing got messed up. Meanwhile prepare a list of the participants who could do further damage to our credibility. Also keep me briefed about the status on ongoing basis, will you?”

The secretary spoke “Yes sir, Narang and Rajput are out of rifle shooting. And there is further good news on the tennis front. Sania Mirza is out and so are Leander Paes and Mahesh Bhupathi.”

The Sports Minister stroked his chin thoughtfully and continued “Sania Mirza, Leander Paes, Mahesh Bhupathi are all sensible people. They go to every international competition and they come back without tinkering with the records. They are not interested to meet the President Pratibha Patil and get their cheeks stroked. I suppose the women athletes are behaving well?”

“There is good news on that front too. Preeja Sreedharan is 25th in 10,000m and does not stand a ghost of a chance to enter the finals. The only threat is from Haryana Boxer Akhil who beat the erstwhile world champion yesterday and is vying for a Gold Medal in Bantam weight. If he succeeds we have got to ready the President for another meeting with the Gold Medalist.”

The Sport Minister said “Don’t worry I’ll do that. Anyway on the safe side prepare a note on what Bantam weight is all about and who is this Akhil so that the President is warned of the danger of stroking the cheeks of a Bantam weight champion when he comes face to face with her. Also should Akhil win the title, tell him to go soft on the President and not treat her as one more of his opponent.”

“Is that all? Or anything more needs to be done?”

“There is one last thing you should do” said the minister “Release a press note saying that UPA government believes in peace and non-violence and is in no way responsible for rise in sales of rifles arising out of Abhinav Bindra’s success at Olympic Games and mark one copy to Advani without fail.”

nidhi said...

Hello Mr. Bindra

It's nice to send you a msg. this is the first time that i m doing something like this. i don't want you to congratulate but the thing about which i m feeling good is that inspite of being from such a rich family you do have some focus in your life. you have done your BBA, you are handling your business as well as you performed so well. even if you were not able to win gold for our country even then i would have appreciated you. people who give so much respect to other things like games, music anything even being richy rich.


i hope to have a reply from your end.

swami said...

looking forward to bring some more medals and show the world what we are ................

satya said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hemanth said...

Thank you very much abhinav

Anonymous said...

congratilations to real hero Abhinav Bindra.

Unknown said...

so many get married comments!!!!!!!

Raghu said...

Hey,abhinav hearty congrats on winning a gold medal...u made us really proud..after 112 years u gave india a individual gold medal..ur gold medal is a gift for all the indians for this independence day...we r all really proud of u,keep going...

Unknown said...

man...wil you write atleast today,?have you totaly forgotten that you have a blog?!i know you wouldnt come this far to read it.....
pls dude write something na...

Appy... said...

congrats abhinav , u' ve done really a fabulous job ,for d respect of our nation ,and instead to that we ,all d indians r very much proud about u..... once again congrats

please visit www.appysduniya4u.blogspot.com to have fun and to get latest movies..

jyoti said...

hey ABHINAV...THAT'S GR8, THE OVERWHELMING RESPONSE you are getting ,is termendous.I know that you really wanna rest and sink in the joy you won for everyone.media is wants know almost everything about you , as people wanna know more about you.That day in presscon at ur home.I could sense that you were annoyed by the questions invoving ur personal life.I also appreciate the way you kept your calm. Well i wish you all the best for futre

jyoti said...

hey ABHINAV...THAT'S GR8, THE OVERWHELMING RESPONSE you are getting ,is termendous.I know that you really wanna rest and sink in the joy you won for everyone.media wants to know almost everything about you , as people love to read more about you.That day in presscon at ur home ,it could sense that you were annoyed by the questions invoving ur personal life.I also appreciate the way you kept your calm. wish you all the best for future and enjoy..


Hey! Abhinav, congrats !! congrats!! & again &again. I know its too late but what i can do? iI was trying my best to locate your blog & finally today i got it. when u have made us proud on 11august, my dream was to talk to you personally. I don't know, will it be possible or not but i am a little satisfied after talking(actually writing) to you. HEARTIEST CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU. TAKE CARE.

Venu said...

Congratulations for the first ever Individual Gold Medal for India... So cool...Keep it up that way.

Wish you another one in the next meet.

Stumbled on your blog through a running blog.

All the best!

saumil said...

Heartiest Congratulations

I wish you all the very best for all your future endeavours and hope that you can teach shooting (organise teaching camps) and try to help india getting more gold medals in the future by sharing your knowledge and experience.

All the best.

bimal said...

aaaahhhhh.... that sounds human... logically..... :)

Anonymous said...

Great Abhinav. You are the best. Let us all inspire by you and look forward for much more wins. You prooved that we can. Once we have the confidence all Indians can try for it as we did in other industries.
Best deals and coupons website!

Anonymous said...

Great Abhinav. You are the best. Let us all inspire by you and look forward for much more wins. You prooved that we can. Once we have the confidence all Indians can try for it as we did in other industries.
Best deals and coupons website!

sarfrazhaan said...

Hello Abhinav.....

Many congratulations on your awesome feat. Bask in the glory and enjoy every moment of it. Wish a very joyous life ahead!! Keep bringing golds!!

On behalf of a proud nation...
Sarfraz khatib

kchahal said...

hi Abhinav i knw u mst hav had received millions of congrats uptill now.......nd dis one must also b lookin the same but hey dont knw wht to say if m being ur fan or not but felt the best wen i heard the news on 11th august.... one small letter THANK YOU SO MUCH..for letting our national anthem being run in China..nd hey Enjoy being the in limelight for the pple do not bestow thier luv easily to other sportsmen.You hav made us proud to be Indians.....THANK YOU

Srinivasa Murthy Panchagnula said...

Hi Abhinav,

Heartiest congratulations for making INDIA proud. I wish your words "London olympics will get india 10 gold" come true with your inspiration. Wish you good luck to you and INDIA.

Enjoy the luxury of Celebrity life and keep shooting..


Rusty Wagon said...

You've made history. And put us on the Olympic map (finally). You deserve all the praise, all the accolades...everything.
PS- Spend more time with your dogs...they'll help you stay down to earth.Not that you need to do much there. :)
Once again,

Venu said...

Hey Abhinav,

You made 112 crore indians proud and planted a gold indian seed in Olympics ground which is going to produce more n more golds in futute.

Great going..........Wish to see you with more medals in next Olympics


priyanka said...

Hey abhinav,

Many congrats and hearty welcome back home :-)
You have done us proud. And as expected, we expect more from you. :-) I have a humble request to make. In this country of 100 crores, there are not many people whose voice counts. From now on, yours does.! alright, at least for a few years to come :-D. So request you to please put it to good use and help ur fellow sportpeople to rise as big as you..

Good Luck for all your future ventures :-)

nisha said...

hey abhinav,
where r u???
we miss you,we r waiting for ur new blog.
we know u r relaxing,but dont forgot ur fans.
come back soon!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Nice to see your blog, You are simply supreb at your age, You inspired many people.

We are really proud of you.

Best wishes for your future medals.

Srini said...

Its good that we have ONE gold medal to say...
We are proud of you...!!!

Srini said...


Keep it up :)

faria said...

Thats the g8 gyd job dear dude,---ManoharSeetha

Unknown said...





773 425 4993

Pushan said...

haahahah.... nice one.... somethings really dont change.... it was disheatening to c our sports minister today not being able to recognise Pulela Gopichand.... the padmashree and khel ratna awardee n winner of the all England Badminton championship... he on meeting saina nehwal n Gopichand shook hands with gopi n asked him "who are you"... shocking is an understatement here.... neways nice reading ur blog abhinav keep updating!! cheers

Clay Perry said...

good job!

Anuj said...

Heartiest congratulations! You have done us proud and hopefully this will be a turning point in India's olympics fortune going forward.

AGR said...

Hello Bindra,I knew you were Introvert,but thanks for writing your blog and making your self open to all who are curious about you and making your self extrovert after the Medal...lol.

CONGRATULATIONS..You Made India Proud and made me Happy.You made my assumption false coz I thought this time we wont even win a medal except Rathod getting a silver or Bronze....India won gold medal when I was born and now when I came here to usa, u shot it.

Though I want to get into sports ,ended up becoming a doctor.As you know in India there is no encouragement from parents or friends to get into sports or politics and the future for an sports person except star cricketers now a days..

After hearing your real story and your hard work for 14 yrs...new hopes have been popping up.. I watch sadly when usa and china's athletes win 79 and 76 medals.. until now. The thought always comes to my mind why cant our sports persons cant do it, i guess lack of proper facilities, training and the lack of motivation r the reasons.

Any way have fun with your family, cousins, and all your loved one...be cautious and don't bother about false criticism ... have fun chill out..be ready to face all those hot chicks running after you.


Mahesh Subramanian said...

Congrats dude.. You have made us all proud...


Shashank Maniar said...


Great to hear you got a gold at the Olympics. I am sure a lot of people must have asked you how you felt when you were receiving the medal, so I'm gonna skip that part.

Just wanted to congratulate you on your achievement, I'm sure you're gonna have a great time showing off your medal to everyone, all the best for your future. But please remember, no matter how big a star/celebrity/sportsperson you become, the key is to remain as normal as you were before you got the medal. Looking forward to hearing great things about you.


LoonyTalk said...

"somethings don't and should not change" - How true! :)

gnanabodha said...

you are the best
(This sentence is not enough).......you made all of our Indians feel proud.....when the time came you have proved yourself ............ok then bye........

my blog is


LETS GO.... said...

you made INDIA proud,why cant we get gold medals like china,usa,etc...

Kripa said...

Hi Abinav!!!!

In the ocean of Congratulations, pls consider my wish "CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!" as an drop in the Ocean.

And I wish u all the best in the future Games.

Dhifa said...

i hope your home like a heaven..

జాన్‌హైడ్ కనుమూరి said...

hearty congrats...

John Hyde

Smruti said...

hi abhinav,
how r u???
what happened no blog since last 4 days....i m waiting for ur new blog.
u must be enjoying ur success with ur family, friends
and lastly not to forget ur sleep which
was the most essential factor for u after returning home.....
but dont forget us........
ur fans are really missing u...
hope ull write soon.....


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