Abhinav Bindra's Road to Beijing

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

the end to my Olympics....

Wednesday, August 13, 2008 – 9:20 AM
So it is now over and the time for me to return home has arrived. I know my life is not goign to be even close to the same upon return but it is something i am going to have to embrace and actually enjoy which i am at this moment finding way more daunting than shooting...
The truth is i am scared because it is not somethign i am familiar it but i would like to take this opportunity to thank all my fans and all my well wishers who have rooted for me and all those who have left such kind comments on the blog page as well.
i have finished reading all the comments but i am hoping to catch up once i am home and the media hype dies down.
I also want to wish the other participating the best of luck...although i am not going to be around seeing them at the village i will be definitely rooting for them from back home. I am hoping we cna come back with some more medals because we have all worked so hard and really deserve some more.
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Kapil said...

Obviously the public attention will be on you but i think the person like you will remain rooted to the ground.
Moreover you have given each Indian to feel such proud and i do think that this will start a golden era for India to start into Olympics.

FiveStar said...

We like to see u soon in India

alegs2 said...


Your composure at the time of triumph reminds me of my idol Pete Sampras :). Continue to work hard and inspire your colleagues and country...

Your new fan,

Giridhar said...

India will embrace you with open arms abhinav !!. You held up it's pride at that much coveted arena.

I'd like to see more posts from you through the coming days.

I'd like to see more such scintillating performances from you in the coming years.

I'd like my Indian flag flutter high up between the clouds.

This is only the beginning.


The Lunatic said...

'The End to my Olympics' We want you to win again in the next edition. So I believe its not end to your Olympics. May be for this edition. Nice to see you updating blog regularly. All the best for future competitions.


Anonymous said...

well done bindra...

thank you..

i dont know much about shooting .

but i know that people like you can win them.

keep it up.

good luck.

Nondescript Blogger said...

Hi Abhinav!

Congrats and all that... After all the hype has died down, I hope you will get to have a meaningful role in the future Olympics policies of the country and you will make the dream of hosting the 2020 Olympics at India come true! Your voice is going to be heard attentively from now on and you can make a real change to the way sports is run in this country. I hope you will study the ground realities and come up with concrete ideas to promote sports. The Australian model is something you can look at replicating in India. You can start an Olympian sports school with state of the art infrastructure by roping in corporate sponsors and aim for some medals for the 2020 Olympics. Thanks and regards.


J.Chaitanya Reddy said...

:) Super proud of you

Unknown said...

Brilliant and composed , take care Abhinav!

Dr. Neha Gupta said...

Hey we all are proud of u Abhinav.

Yetkhal said...

the day olympic started i used to check news that india got any medal ...i never think about gold i just want india to get one medal everyday after returning from colledge i will check the news but that day it was morning around 9.15 am ...i was in class and i got the message that india got "GOLD MEDAL" that moment i feel very very proud n i informed to all ....the reaction 4rm my friends was like as if we are in beijing ...really ...CONGRATES....and very grateful to make us feel proud....

Joe Cheri Ross said...

Dear Abhinav,

We the 10 billion people are really proud of you. The gold you won matters lot for India.

You did a great job. Thank you.

For the people of India,
Joe Cheri Ross.

ROHIT GOEL said...




mixedblessings89 said...

For whenever you return: welcome back!

You know, it's funny now when I read the reactions of the global media to our reactions to your medal... They don't understand how much it means to this country. An Olympic medal has probably never meant more to so many people at once. Good luck to you, you have made us so proud.

Oh, and I wonder if you noticed, but Google has put your blog up as one of their 'blogs of note', so you'll be getting even more traffic here.

As a blogger, I hope you continue to blog.

Once again, congrats and thanks :)

talkaboutanalog said...

You made India Proud. Congrats on your achievement. Thanks a lot for making india proud.

I really admire you. Your win will be a moral boost to many youngsters across india.

Ananthasubramanian said...

You have been quite an inspirational figure for all Indians. The way you carried yourself after the victory have come as a sweet surprise for all of us.

May be, one day you would break Phelps' record of most number of gold medals in Olympics!!!

Keep it going Abhinav :):):)

Subrat Dunu Baral said...

I just hope that one day, we Indians with One Fifth the population of the world will one fifth of the medals in the Olympics. You have simply done a massive service to Indian Sports. Won't it be nice if someday the world woud refer to us as a nation of shooters, so beware.

Novice Writer said...

Great to see your blog and read about your experiences. Congratulations on your superb achievement and making all Indians proud!

abhinav vujjini said...

when r u cumin to india???

രജന said...

!!!! Great Job Abhinav. !!!!
Thanks for giving us a smile...


Anonymous said...

We love you. Your calmness, your deadpan wit, your demeanor. You are a hero. Our hero.

Everybody loves a winner innit? :)

Agree with Padmini there. We hope you will take the cudgels on behalf of and the flag for Indian Olympic sports!

Cheers Abhinav.
Wishing you love, wishing you luck and everything in between.

anilpk said...

Abhinav, we INDIANS are proud of you.It will remain in the eyes of all Indians,for years, the moment of jana gana mana...in Beijing,and the way you stood in the podium so coooooooool.
This may be the begining of our mother lands entry into the golden eras yet to come.
.... GOD BLESS YOU....

Hari said...

We proud of you! We Salute you !

GG said...

abhi...........u r really doing an impossible thing for INDIA our nation............we r proud of you...........love u..cong8 from my heart......gunjan

taju.... said...


Unknown said...

Thankyou for making us all proud!We salute you

Rahul said...

Good luck Abhinav! Your achievement makes us all proud vicariously. Your grace and poise on the medal podium was an inspiration. It was a poignant moment for me listening to Jana gana mana play at the olympics. Thank you!

Saurabh Nagpal Advoacate said...

welcome abhinav
you have given each Indian to feel such proud and i do think that this will start a golden era for India to start into Olympics.
CHAK DE INDIA...............

Manu- The Unborn said...

Hi! Read your blog and felt your anxiety and your happiness and your being media shy :) Its a beautiful phase of your life ,so enjoy every bit of it !! All the people who are blogging you are proud of you .Count your blessings !!
All the very best for a brilliant future

btw - am also a fellow blogger :)

Parasu said...

hi Abhinav,

Thanks at last my prayers were answered ( an sure prayers of millions of our fellow country men too ) .. I have been thinking for a while why cant a country with 1 billion population cant have atleast 1 gold medallist in olympics ..... Thanks and now my prayers will be changed and it would read as

How our country is going to get atleast 10 olympic gold medals in year 2020.. and am sure that you will play a huge part in it as well.

According to me, best thing that you can do is to give your video and of course with a message for all our school goin children... as to how to fight and win .. and how we can bring this country a the best in what ever field .. I wish the felicitation for you would take place in JN stadium where atleast 20000 school childrens should be there to see u and hear to your victory speech..

Jai Hind and Keep the country flag flying high...

rash driver said...

whatever u b wherever u b..be humble always......jai hind

Raviraj said...

Hey Congrats..it's a great achivement..we like to see u soon..and eager to see warm welcome of your..

Your Fan,

onlinearticles said...

I like to see u soon i India

Archana Sudheer Gayen said...

Hi Abhinav,
Congrats on making all of us so proud of you. Indians all the world over are thrilled by your performance. N the fact that you overcame a back problem to come this far is awesome. I know the media frenzy is hitting you...trust me its gonna get worse as I am also in the media:). One advice: Just take things as it comes and one day at a time. Rest will fall in place.
Archana S Gayen

Mayur P said...


First of all I want congratulate you for your historic achievement@ Olympics. You made every Indian proud. Thanks for giving us this moment in our life.

I want to share with you the amagazing moment. I was reading an article about you and other Indian contingent published in India Today...and suddenly i realised that today is the event of 10m air rifle..as our TV wasn't giving telecast of olympic...i thought to check the results on Beijing olympic offical website...when i logged on site...they were giving live scores and that time qualification round was already over and 4 shots of the final round were taken...and u were on second position only 0.9 down to the leader...so pulse inside me started raising...i thought this is our best chance of winning Gold@Beijing...with 5th shot you closed the gap to 0.6...confidence inside me built up...we r geting the gold...with 6th shot you closed the gap to 0.4 and again i felt he is a champion..he ll do it for us...with 7th shot u were on the lead with + 0.2 and i said god its happening...next two shots i felt like is it slipng away...but your last shot of 10.8 and othe fellow got something 9.7...and i screamed with joy
"India gets the Gold..India gets the Gold... Bindra gets the Gold"...it was an amagazing amagazing moment..it was even better than what i felt when India won T20 world cup...immediately i gave this news to my father and other family members..they were also happy...later on entire day we were watching different news channel...all the news about u...Interview of you Father, Mother, Sister and brother in law..it was an amagazing day...and all Indian sports fanatic hope that these kind of days will happen for India often...Thanks a lot Abhinav for giving us an amagazing moment of Proud...

Observant Fellow said...


I just wanted to wish you the best in your all future endeavours.You have amazing sense of composure,simplicity and truthfulness about the way you carry yourself.I think Abhinav you should write a book about your journey to triumph.We all of us look at you as a source of inspiration not just in sports but in any field where we can make India proud.I also came to know that you are a successful enterpreneur.I am not sure if you read books but I would love to know if you have read and re-read any book which has inspired you.I also feel you must be a student of yoga.Hats of to your parents who have inculcated the culture and teachings which enable you to be grounded.Be this way always.

I am from Mumbai.If you come to Mumbai you have a new friend.

Enjoy each and every moment.I firmly believe your success will act as a spark which will ignite and inspire and encourage many people from various fields not just sports men but in every domain.

Thank you Abhinav.

feathers said...

afraid to admit this but til now i jus knew thrs sm1 clld abhinav bindra.had never seen u.the happiness was immense wen i saw u n wat a moment to hv seen a great sportsman like u.bravo dearest.m delighted n proud of u.may god be with you always in watever initiative u take.

DissertationUK said...

Memorise you, I cherish you soon
As if, the sun surmises and covets for moon

Love loving lovely lives
It is you who make us feel rise

So many passions, so many dreams
Without you, they cannot be seen

You let us take to the skies
You let us show the bright

Though, mist nestles on the way
Have an utter look, we know, you would shed them away

Rather, there be some frightening moment
Better shroud eyes and unfastening in affluent

Moving ahead and crossing sorrow and pain
Unveiling eyes see season of heavenly rain!!!

cheers Abhi...

:-) Gurvinder Singh

Kanika Singh said...

i feel proud of india because of you dear friend.truly speaking i nvr heard ur name before few days back. but now everybody knows u. u have made indians proud. u know when i just saw da news dat day i actually had goosebumps i was jusat so happy. thank u for making our nation proud.


nisha said...

Dear abhinav,
hatts off to you.

i just want to congtratulate you,u done a fantastic job.
you make all indians to feel proud.

i dont know what to say,
you are the Best
my good wishesh are always with you.
india is salute you.
take care abhinav

pcecil said...

Perhaps one of the most poignant moments when I watched your victory on TV was when the national anthem was played during the medal ceremony. Ah.. That was the sweetest music I have ever heard in my life. Thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

Students from your school are so excited.. many surprises waiting for you.. ;)

Ritika said...

Congratulations Abhinav.

Unknown said...

Hi ,
I would like to congratulate you on your winning . I have done the same on some off your previous posts . I hope you keep winning in years to come .

For all the fans here have you seen Bindra's winning shot ? If you haven't then you guys don't even know what you are praising him for . He deserves rightful praises . You can see some of his videos here . You have won hearts of millions and i dedicate this review as courtesy from your fan . Know more about Our loveable Bindra here:

Swathika said...


Congratulations! You have made every single Indian proud! Me and my friends felt immense joy when we read about you on the web.

The moment is for you to celebrate and enjoy. The hardwork has paid off. I read Padmini'c omments and I think you are at a position where your voice will be heard.

With great powers come great responisibility - Spidey says...So we all hope you will be able to propose or help in creating some good infrastructure for all future Olympians!

Congratulations once again!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

u r the real Indian hero.we all r very grateful to make us feel proud.....

thanks alot......

Sanjay said...

Congratulations Abhinav,
It's an expensive hobby to pursue & hence an expensive sport too. For an ordinary individual to be able to practice that many shots to perfection is not easy.. more so with the likes of Suresh Kalmadi hogging Olympic lights for years & putting up in the best of hotels. These expenses are also met from the same kitty that are supposed to fund the bullets & shooting ranges. Do you know the athletes to officials ratio that have gone to Beijing at the exchequer's expense??? In such a loose & heartless system, only the rich & lucky ones are able to pursue their goal at their own expense coupled with a single minded zeal to beat the system at it's own game. It's only when one wins inspite of a faulty system that someone can proudly announce how it was all achieved... Just like you did. Congratulations Abhinav & your family... you all truly deserve the glory you are basking in & remember.. for every one of you in the family, there will be 200 more longing for some reflected glory... Keep Going.. Abhinav's gun has done the talking & it's enough to silence critics But PLEASE ABHINAV, speak up about the system & the rut on atleast some stage back in India when you go up to receive the stale goodies being dished out by some or other state government or likewise, it would serve them better if they instead spend it on the development of the same or other sports... You don't need that money.. or else take it & open a shooting range for deserving young kids who can't afford it... train them for 2 hours each day & hone your skills further. You can create many more like you. Could'nt congratulate you the day you won the gold since the discussion boards got jammed. Zirakhpur is no longer a bus stop where people hop out to reach Panchkula... it's where you belong!! By the way, I stay near Surajkund close to the Karni Singh shooting ranges near Tuglaqabad in Delhi & have rarely seen people use it to the fullest.
Good Luck..!!
Sanjay Sen Choudhury.

Unknown said...

I'm your 47th comment, so I'm not even sure if you'll get this far! I can only imagine how you must feel in this transformation from normal to FAMOUS! Overwhelming, yes. But you deserve every ounce of the attention. Like they've all said, you've lent India new hope. You have the power now to do something even greater than the gold. Now though, is time for celebration :) Have an awesome homecoming!

Aslam said...

Congratulations Abhinav...!!!!

Great going...!! You are really a super star...!! A real inspiration..!! Must have been a very proud moment for you..
It sure was for the billion Indians at home( yet u showed very little emotions on the podium.. cool... :-) )
All the best for your future endeavors..!!
Jai hind..!!

VeNoM said...

First of all lemme congratulate u!! that was an exceptional feat , India is proud of u!!! n secondly I really wish seeing you at the next Olympics as well..!! cheerz..!! :)

chayan pahari said...

hi abhinav....first of all congrats for your achievement...you have made us proud ...you did something which no indian could do in individual sector of olympic since it started in 1896...you brought us a gold medal..wish you a long and superb career...

Uday Chakwate said...

I observed many play grounds. No one is using those grounds. Some people are there, but they are playing Only Cricket. One is Batting another is bowling and remaining players are watching.
And if you see Shopping places, College Premises, Theatres, lot of youth are wasting (killing) there time. These Places are always crowded. At least from now, Teanager or youngster will spend their energy in proper and systematic way.

Thanks and Congrats
Uday Chakwate

Unknown said...

Thnx for doing 100 billion ppl of this country PROUD including me.U truly are a BHARAT Ratna.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Guruprasad Hegde said...

Abhinav Hearty Congragulation!!!!
It's really a great moment for you and we Indian as you stood on the Podium to recieve the gold medal with the Indian anthem playing at the background. Sure, you will always cherish the moment for the rest of your life.
The one thing I really liked of you, as the newsmakers were flashing and asking interviews was your modesty. I sincerely hope the media hype and the money doesnt divert your attention from the passion for this sport. It would be great if you could make a double century the next time you play in the Olympic.. Till then Best Wishes.

Unknown said...

abhinav, you are the true hero for us.you have created such platform that will take indian sport to high level..........chak de india

Unknown said...

Hi, abhinav congrats on Ur achievement...its really a matter of pride that u brought home the gold..and i hope u will continue to make us all proud..and i hope it inspires the generation to take sports seriously..bringing in more medals..hope see u soon in India..and again congrats..

Vikis Kitchen said...

I felt very very proud to hear about your achievement.God bless you abhinav.I always have a guilty feeling that that i have never thought of serious participation in any games in my life.After reading about you i realized the importance of Olympics.I m sure i will encourage the children to play.
You should win Gold medal in next Olympics too.Good wishes.

DAXER said...

All country proud of you... your hard work and dedication is well appericiated..

A new fan of your's

Anant said...

Well done bindra
You have done it
you are the real hero
India is waiting for you
Welcome son of India

CareerreckoneR said...

Hi Abinav,

Its ispirational to think that the mile stone achieved by you is the part of all INDIANS achievement.

However truly that you have done the hard work and was favoured by all means to win the event, its the pride that INDIA has a GOLD medal in the metal table that is reflected by all the people in India.

Though you may keep the game to you and keep yourself busy even though you stay calm to the ground in the much expected hypes that will be given to you on your return...................pray that you inspire a lot of talents thorugh your winning charm to win medal in the future OLYMPICS not only in shooting but in any of the event they participate.

Surely the lived on continued experience of you could be of a much boost to the many aspirants to really make this achievement.

Think that INIDIA is able to host a future Olympics but it the fear that it should not become a host nation with out a medal in the table.

vandana said...

congrats abhinav .....hats off to u.

Anonymous said...

hello abhinav ..
congratualtion on this gr88 achievment ...
hope u will be enjoying every moment now ..
thanks for the gold medal ...for we the citizen of India ...
all the best n take care

Unknown said...

My dream for so many years was to hear INDIAN NATIONAL ANTHEM in the Olympic Games and you have made it happen!!! The first time I saw that on TV.. I started crying!!! This is just a mind blowing and brilliant achievement. You have become a HERO for so many young Indians like me. You have set the benchmark now and I hope we Indians start believeing that its possible to get an Individual Gold Medal in Olympics and its not a dream anymore.
Hats off to you Abhinav. We are all proud of you!!!

PS: Your pictures are all over my cube at work!! YOu simply deserve it! :-)

Kannan said...

We are proud of your achievement..like most other blogger i think your voice will have more say than ours in regards to the way the future training and other suggestion about infrastructure should be handled...

Maybe you could be a constuctive critic so that governement hears from real gold medal winner who has the support of billion people....

I still feel your parents support was amazing in our culture..i think next to you they should be part of this honor....i know you have given them all the credit but as a public i bow infront of your parents for their support at an early age....I will be always be your fan....I respect your decision even if you were to quit shooting and not participate in the next olympics...because you have done all the hardwork it is for the future generation to carry on the baton...

Also, if you were to start some sports academy or anything please let us know so that i can donate....have a paypal link or anything so that let us take the initiative...instead of depending on corporate or government we indians as a whole can revolutionise and people like me living in U.s.a can support...also let us not compliant about other why don't we start the initiative...everybody will believe if you start this kind of fund drive and in this age of Internet let us all unite and do our little part....please think about it..we want to support but i can believe in a person of your stature than anybody else....same way no one is going to believe me...respect your decision but anyhow first enjoy your victory and let us worry when you are back to your normal routine...But just want to let you know there are Indians who will support you and other sports person through a channel like you...we want our support to reach the real hardworking sportsperson who is not even participating in Olympics...Always our support is there for all participants...Jai Hind..Thank you for making me and allof su proud to be Indian because of your hardwork.....

nayan said...


INDIA need people like YOU

your latest fan...

madhu said...

wonderful performance abhinav,am trying my best to wax eloquence on your stupendous achievement but can never find words to express my joy. You've done every Indian proud and may the laurels and praises never cease..you more than deserve them!!

Johnny said...

A true hero is not giving up.


Manan said...

Hi Abhinav,
I just wish that these governments and politicians would have given the money and all the accolades before hand, atleast all of you athletes would not have to worry about struggling for equipment or facilities.
Sorry I am being a bit cynical but I feel that only after you got a result that they recognized you and not when you were slogging away for the last four years.

Hope you can be an inspiration to all. Congratulations.

Unknown said...

We really proud of you.You are the best.

Unknown said...



Anonymous said...

Congratulations Abhinav, like Arjuna, you have hit the bulls ey... now comes the hard part !!
I have one request, please see www.railwaysHit.com the website and affiliated blog... help solve the problem. Please speak up, our Indian railways public needs urgent attention. It needs a diaper. George Joseph Themplangad

neha!!! said...

Hi Abhinav,
You have made all of us feel proud back home, specially when our National Anthem Tune was played in a foreign country in your respect. You have given a new hope that nothing is impossible to achieve, it's only the feeling that matters to achieve something.

All of us are waiting for you with open arms. Well done!!!!
Keep up the good work!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Abhinav,
Congratulation for your achievement in Beijing,Thank You for bringing smiles on the faces of indian sports lovers.
You have made all of us feel very proud to have a sports person like you.When i got the news that India has got the Gold Medal i was amazed,it was a proud moment for every indian.Now people will also pay attention to other sports events rather than Cricket.
I would like to see you in Next Olympics leading with Indian Flag.
Good Luck for your Future
Thank You again.....

Anonymous said...

Hi Abhinav,
Congratulation for your achievement in Beijing,Thank You for bringing smiles on the faces of indian sports lovers.
You have made all of us feel very proud to have a sports person like you.When i got the news that India has got the Gold Medal i was amazed,it was a proud moment for every indian.Now people will also pay attention to other sports events rather than Cricket.
I would like to see you in Next Olympics leading with Indian Flag.
Good Luck for your Future
Thank You again.....

Anonymous said...

WElcome back home, the full country has been awaiting your arrival.
It was a dream come true, and will be cherished for the times to come. It aint end of Olympics,for you, instead, you have lit a torch,guiding the young India, to an untrodden path.

Wish u all the best for the times to come,

Id it is said...

You've done all Indians proud! I can't believe that for the last three decades a country like India never brought home a gold at the Olympics! That makes you all the more special! You truly are a patriot in the real sense of the word!

Vrushali Kulkarni said...

Many congratulations to you! You made India proud. It really made us emotional when the National Anthem began. You will be the great inspiration to the country

shyam said...

Abhinav,.., Congrats on winning the Gold and putting India on the Olympic world map,.., Have a party,.., Cheers,.,. Shyam

Preetmohan said...

You have made us feel proud even in a foreign country.
Carry on

Turbo said...

Do you know? Not only Indian are proud of you, but also people in many other countries are, especially in China! Our biggest newspaper, People Daily, pudlished your picture in winning time on its front page! You know, the national leaders are in this place usually. Wow! I think the Olympic spirit is to make more and more people to love sports and make a work for it. So wish you and India a better job again. See you in London!

ഷിബു മാത്യു ഈശോ തെക്കേടത്ത് said...


Congratulations .....

.... GOD BLESS U ....

S said...

Abhinav you have really made us proud.We Indians salute you for the super success and your calm nature.Hearty congrats.We all love you.
Sharique Niazi

|m0| said...


Kurosaki Ichigo said...

Congrats and GOD bless you Abhinav!

Anonymous said...

end of it. weird. but now i know

Seeker Of Happiness said...

keep moving, go forward !

Priya Joyce said...

the best thing I liked in you is you did not show over excitement after the winning moment and in front of medis I salute you for that and also the fact that you made it possible that our national anthem be played there.
Happy Independence day to you in advance.

Unknown said...

I share the sentiments of Padmini and Reversedrainbow and at the same time , wouldn't like you to lose your focus and get distracted from your own preparation and training.I have read that Laxmi Mittal was sponsoring you and other Indian sportsmen and women on the fray.I guess even that can be used as a model to fit in or duplicate.Btw,guess you'll be aware that India won the AFC football cup 4-1 beating Tajikistan yesterday.Lastly, as Mixedblessings pointed out that your blog has been selected as a " blog of note" and now that you are getting the attention of people, maybe you can communicate to and through them right here on the direction you think sports {especially for Olympics) should take , even if it's a personal opinion ( obviously because your voice will now be heard, as pointed out by others).You could probably also use your blog as an advertising platform and use the proceeds in sports , although it will hopefully grow with time because I know for sure that like me , others are going to keep coming back to your blog.Wish you great luck for future!!

Rini William said...

what an inspiring win u had.
i am writn this after u reached delhi this morning.U have been the cause for all of our smiles...
kEEP going Abhinav!!!
u r the rockstar

rainboy said...

come back have a long break but remember you have got power now bro.
You can influence a lot of changes in the sport infrastructure here.

Unknown said...

Hi Abhinav,

Firstly many many congratulations to you and thanks a ton for the medal....

It must be feeling really great to represent our country whose history goes back to centuries and centuries......

"the end to your Olympics" I hope is a start to many many more medals.

And I hope that when my grandchildren will be participating in a quiz....the question will NOT only be

a)who won the first individual gold for India

but also

b)how many olympic gold medals did
Abhinav Bindra win

Thanks a lot once again ......

Jaya M said...

congrats on this splendid performance and you are on Blogs Of Note ...
what a gift you have given to country on its eve of Independence day .
happy Home coming !
God Bless You

Unknown said...

Well done dear..you ve made us proud..probably you ve not yet realised what you ve achieved!



Rishupreet Oberoi said...

Congratulations Abhinav!! :)
You look so calm and composed after all this.


Mahesh Prakash Purohit said...

Hi Abhinav,
Your preformance has motivated many back home not just in sports but in all walks of the life !!
Wish you all the best for future.

NISHANT said...

Hi Abhinav.
Really you are the real hero of india. We proud in you. You receive lot of money as gift, i want to say something. As we know india is a developing nation. Pl. contribute some money toward abolish of hungry of BPL indian.Hope you do something toward this. Really you are so smart. We proud in you.

jasleen said...

hi, congrates abhinav , i when got the news about your winning i really got very excited . i am happy that you made your parents, your family proud . I hope you and your parents will be very happy on your this achievemant. i know there are so many messages coming to you from everywhere and you dont have time to read even. but, still i want to congratulate you for your win and hope that you practice hard and win more medals and make your parents and country proud.

Unknown said...

hiiiii Abhinav.
first of all
you are fantastic!!!
i embrace you with open arms Abhinav .
yesterday night you come back India.
its really great to known.

a kiss for you, my dear friend!

god bless u dear
its great
i am very happy
very very happy because i love my India. and you did name of India all over the world.


i did special print on my blog when you won the medal http://fashionclutch.blogspot.com
i hope you will see the special print and put one remarkable comment on my blog.
i hope you will get again success on 2012 Olympic.
CONGRATS....and very grateful to make us feel proud....
i am really crying but this was tear of happiness.
yeah India got the gold medal ,yes men
keep it up.

take care
see you
i hope you will in touch with your fans.
plz visit at your special edition http://fashionclutch.blogspot.com
if you have time to visit.

parul sinha said...

Awesome awesome awesome!!!!
Abhinav u have really made india proud...Hats off to u!

Unknown said...





anjooran said...

The end to your "Beijing Olympic" or "Olympics"?

Manoranjan Reddy said...

Hi abhinav,

U r definitely india's pride.

Its nice to see u updating blog regularly,...


Sachin said...

I am amazed to see the calm you have maintained even after winning the Olympic Gold. Hats off to you!!
All the very best to you for your forthcoming events and I hope you will give us many more opportunities to celebrate your success.
Thank you very much for making us proud.

Everymatter said...

congratulations to you for bringing glory to india

may god gives you power to win more medals for our country.

Please don't leave working hard for next olympic.

shruthi said...

Congrats Abhinav.Would like to see you with another gold medal at the next olympics.Am sure you will do it.
Remember success is a journey..
You have really inspired us youngsters to "make things possible".
Thanks and congrats on ur success..

Unknown said...

First of all i would like to "CONGRATULATE" you on ur achievement.U have made all Indians proud nd so thnx for dat...
After making such a great achievment it's remarkable to see u so much down to Earth nd dis quality of urs has made me a great fan of urs...
Luking forward to see dat cute smile always on ur face...
nd I wish u best of luck for ur future.....
once again thnx for making all of us so proud..........
Srishti vijayvargia

Cat's Eye said...

Welcome Home Abhinav. You are a hero.Every Indian is proud of you.


priyanka.priyadarshni said...

many congratulations to u!! its definitely a great feat..i hope now the country will look beyond cricket. i have followed your sporting career oft and on..(must say was a lil disappointed after athens). your recent victory does remind one to not lose faith in our sportsmen..as spectators we cant even imagine the kind of pressure and discipline sportsmen have to face. i wldnt say u were the underdog, but yeah i think ppl were more interested in Mr.Rathore...hence the surprise factor was immense to say the least.
great feat champ! really hope u repeat this, not for the nation, but for urself, to do justice to the potential u have in u.

simplicity rules said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Unadorned said...

A cool shower in the midst of drought, so very assuring! Regular rain would come, now that the cloud of hopelessness has been finally punctured. Bravo!


Unknown said...

Well you have made Indians all around the world so proud.We all know winning a Medal is not easy,and you really worked hard to achieve it,all your hard work,sweat and all the hours you put in practice- everything has paid off really well.You also defeated your back injury to compete in Beijing
This medal is a result of your Dedication,Devotion & Discipline(the 3-Ds).
We salute you. You started shooting at such a young age and you have won many medals but this Olympic Gold is for sure your best.Olympic Games have their own charm,they measure a nation's sporting- capability and depth.
I really hope India wins many more medals in future Olympic games and I really hope India hosts Olympic games in future.
I think our nation has a lot of Talent,its just that the Talent needs to be guided in the proper direction with proper facilities.If proper training and facilities are made available to all Indian players then India can win a lot of medals.
You are so calm and composed,I think this a very important quality for sportsmen; and I think this quality will take you to new heights in your career
Well thanks a lot for this Blog,this blog was a great chance for your fans to interact with you.Obviously you will be surrounded with media as soon as you land in India,don't worry just take it as it comes.
Good luck for your future
Thank you

Anonymous said...

hi abhinav, bharath maatha is proud of this son! its going to be some celeberation this 61st Independence day and the tricolour is going to flutter with high excitement and fly higher this year! what a moment of glory it was to see the tricolour going up up and up and jana gana mana playing in the background and a cool abhinav with a composed smile standing on the highest podium! that surely is a moment all of us indians are going to cherish for a very long time.

one gold and how all the state governments started declaring their prize money to abhinav! if only a hundredth of that money and enthu is spent on encouraging the budding talents, we will very soon have more abhinavs to cheer to!

jai bharath maata! jai abhinav bindra! happy independence day to all of us tomorrow!

Alter Ego said...


Congrats on your achievement.
You really made us all feeling proud.
Wish you many more success in the events to come and hope you will bring all the laurels to our country.
You deserve a lot.


Unknown said...


may be now you would love to have a nice sleep in ur mom's lap....
party wid frnds....
stay away from media....
concentrate more on abhinav futuristics.....
enjoy other important things in life.....
spend time with the love of ur life....
and lots more...
but just be back to the nxt olympics...
to bag another gold...
enjoy the media(pls dont stay too calm and do show some reactions..) ..coz it doesnt happen always and to everybody...so this Independence cay u can lift ur collars as a proud Indian who has done his mother land proud....PLS DO KEEP UPDATING UR BLOG....(U HAVNT ANSWERED MY QUES. in my previous post...u need'nt mail me but atleast hint about it in ur blog if u find it worthy of answering)wishing u a very happy Independance day....

Abhi said...

Dear Abhinav,
Its great to finally have won a medal for the country. Its not the medal, but the belief that we can achieve the feat at the world's biggest stage. You have not only scored 10.8 with your final shot but paved a road to success. You are a legend whether you wanted to be or not

Roma said...

COngratulations Abhinav !!
My parents are visiting me in Chicago and they have been glued to the TV watching your coverage every moment. :-)
Thank you for making every indian so proud !!

Unknown said...

Dear Abhinav,
Keep your goodness intact,I hope you will repeat your success in the next Olympics.All the best.

deepz said...

Congrats Abhinav,

You have done it….Thank you so much for the smile you gave us…

Really Proud of You…


mallu1605 said...

U will be a star after this GOLD WINNING performance and Hope you know better than all others.... I can understand how much pain and sacrifices u had done for this achievement... I appreciate it whole heartly...I don't know the feeling that u had when standing in the medal podium.... But tears rolled down from my eyes when i heard the national anthem .... One request to u... Pls try to give a hand and encourage young shooters [U r young also :)]so that we can see more Abhinavs' in London2012 Olympics and 2016 Olympics... Thanks alot for making Country Proud.. Congrats Once again

bigk said...

hi welcome with gold in india. Plz don't think your work is over with gold. Plz keep influence govt to do someting for sports. we don't have hope on govt but we believe on u and expect that we will get atlest 10-20 gold in next olymoics. plz influence media also to do someting. we hear all other sports only on olympics. nobody from media specially television knows that who is capable and who is not. They don't know strength and weakness of other sports than cricket. I expect much from u bindra plz don't forget sports when you were in business. i want to use your blogs to thanks l m mittal also. we were not aware that he is doing so much(more than govt) for indian sports i hope other major groups will do same in future.

Thanks for gold
We are so haapy that we can't say in words

akh koshur said...

you have broken the jinx.
you are the new india.
we look forward to more medals in this olympics and in the years to come.

Karan said...

hi Goldenboy,

A proud son of INDIA.

its a wonderful feeling which cant be expressed in mere words.

Each indian around the world are proud of you.

You are the light in a dark tunnel.you shown the path and courage to the entire nation.Hope all the hard work sportsmen will take you as a role model and rock in the following sports events.

you admired everyone not only with a Gold medal but with your calmness and composure.

Keep working hard..since you have MILES TO GO....

mister mateo said...


As a lifelong Olympics fanatic, it has been an absolute thrill being here in India to see the jubilation in which your countrymen have embraced you. All my friends and family back in the US have been emailing me to see if people here really are as excited as what's being reported on TV, and I have to tell them that those reports don't even come close to reflecting the joy that people here show when talking about you.

I've even developed a bit of Bindra-mania myself, and am glad to see that India's first individual gold medal has been earned by such a deserving athlete such as yourself.

I have also been equally impressed with your incredibly loving and proud parents. Your mother reminds me of my own - she wants nothing more than to see her son get married and feed him. And your father is the very definition of the word "pride."

I hope that you're able to return to Beijing in time to carry India's flag at the Closing Ceremonies, because I'd really like to be here in India to see that.

If your competitions ever take you to California then please drop me a line so that we can go out and grab a drink...and of course some tandoori.

You are, have always been, and will always be THE MAN.

Peace out homey,


phbawan said...


We would like to see you in Mumbai too. Keep it up and win more golds for India. Let India become Sone ki Chidiya.

Nakul said...

Go and get working with Hotel Abhinav, with you Dad :). We will see you at your hotel :), hopefully when I am visiting back home in Chandigarh.

Unknown said...

You gave a very good gift to india for this independence day.Congrats and vsh u more n more success.

Sankalp Gupta said...

Abhinav, U did a real ood job we all are proud of you.I wish you good luck for your future...

Unknown said...

Dear Abhinav,

Many many congratulations,We really cnt thank you enough for what you have done for yourself and for all INDIAN'S...A Gold medal was a long due...sometimes intentionally or unintentionally you do things which makes you feel proud but in your case You have made a Country proud of you..Im sure we all fall short of words when we are writing this but its so overwhelming that i cnt explain.An event where we hear only about china ,USA...You came as a good change.

I wish one day I could also make my parents proud of me....like you did.

Thanks Again.

tknmurthy said...

Fantastic. Realy met indias expection by you alone.


Gauri said...

Heartiest Congratulations !!
You've made every Indian proud:)

Alexi Frest said...

Congratulations on your hard work and all your achievement, you have every right to feel proud, and your compatriots, too.

You did your work well and this is the most important, we all respect you much for it.

Our Fitness World Champion Béres Alexandra said not the Cup itself is the most important - to be given the Cup takes only a few moments. The journey which takes you there, your hard work, is much more important.

You did your best and you gave everything you could. Be proud of yourself, keep your head up!

Congrats one more time and best wishes for your future plans,

Mina Jade from Hungary

Unknown said...

well done abhinav v r so proud of u...welcome home to chandigarh


Unknown said...

Congragulations Brinda....
we proud of u....

Unknown said...

hi! Abhinav,
first of all i want to thank you for giving us gold medal. it was really a thrilling experience when you make us hear national anthem. it was just like that i have won a medal.but credit is all yours.may god allow you to achieve more and more

Unknown said...

Hearty Congratulations to 1st Indian Golden Man !
I have made a slideshow video of you on this URL -
and My Channel at:-

Anonymous said...

What a way to show the world that India always hits the bulls eye, we are proud of u Abhinav.

Pawan said...

Great Abhinav..

Prasenjit Sengupta said...

Dear Abhinav.......

Belive me u r now our national hero...I am proud that I am Indian as Abhinav Bindra...I know u worked really hard but I also belive in God & Luck...May god bless u in your all upcomings......

Your Friend...
Prasenjit Sengupta,Kolkata

Όstalgia said...

now that u've gone global, congratulations, from Kenya

Sir Chetan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sphurthy said...

If you only you can rephrase the title End to 2008 Olympics - only because we want to see you in London 2012 Olympics.

It is still a long time to go - you need a break and the best time that you are going to have.

Very warm welcome to India.

Great Job !!

Sir Chetan said...

hi 'Golden Boy' wish u all the best for ur future..if u dnt mind i just want to knw that is it true just before ur final smbdy tampered ur gun..??

Gud luck
Chetan Sharma
Sports Journalist

Blindwreck said...

Hey abhinav!
Congratulations on the biggest win! You have made every Indian VERY proud! We are very proud of you. I wish you all success and great health! Meanwhile, enjoy being in the limelight and party hard, you deserve it for the perseverance you've shown! All the best!


mayur khosla said...

Dear Abhinav,

Hats off to you for winning the Most Coveted Medal for India, for you cool thinking and simplicity. May the Almighty bless you great health and happiness throughout.

Take care
Prakash Viswanathna

Fuzzy Fiddler said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fuzzy Fiddler said...

Its the every second since you are born that counts to this victory. Your morals, high ethics, sincerity...this is not a 4 years preparation. You had the ability but this one got stamped for sure coz u did it and made the nation proud.Above all, being rooted to the ground is your quality today, hope you keep the same.
wishin for ur good health, happiness n success ahead.
Harman,frm manchester but always carrying chd in heart:)

Unknown said...

Was very happy reading your blog in the indian express newspaper
you have done the country proud
reminds me of pete sampras, my childhood hero as dal,patti says
Do keep blogging

Kudos Great job


Disha said...

Hey Abhinav,
You did us proud!!
My heartiest congratulations..it was a gr8 pleasure watching an Indian sweep the gold...keep the good work going dude!

Unknown said...

Congratulations Abhinav,
As a fellow Indian I felt so happy and proud of your achievement that I wrote this Poem:

Shooting Star

Abhinav Bindra, a young shooting spark
At the 2008 Olympics hit the bullseye mark.
Down the line, the story will be told
How in 10M Air Rifle he won the Gold.

Overcoming injury,
Undergoing surgery,
With grit and determination
He won Gold for his Nation.

Practising countless hours
Shooting for the stars
As part of India’s Olympic team
He achieved his life long dream.

Nerves of steel stood him in good stead
As slowly and steadily he inched ahead
With a final 10.8 score
The first place he did secure.

He was the hero of the day
Proving hard work does pay
A place in History he shall hold
For getting India’s first individual Gold.

We as a Nation, proclaim out loud
Abhinav Bindra has made us proud!

By Ashrafi Antia
Bangalore, India

Tarun........ said...

hiiiiiiiii abhinav...
congratulation for a gr8 moment ........
today i've seen news n one thing which i really like is ur dedication toward parents when walked with ur parents n u did'nt leave them .I also like ur simplicity .Now u've given me an inspiration.....thanx n have a gr8future........
ur small fan...

Nitesh Kumar Lal said...

We are proud of you. You make us feel proud to be an Indian. We love you.

Nitesh Kumar Lal said...


You are great! We are proud of you.

Nitesh Kumar Lal said...

u r great

vishnu said...

its really great.......... am really proud of u.......liked ur composure during the time of glory

Guljinder Singh said...

What is really heartening is to see the seed of belief that your feat has planted in this nation of a Billion which is second to none in any other sector.
May this be the announcement of Indias arrival. And we all know that when India arrives, It is for Good.

And really Nice to have you as a blogger. Do keep blogging.


Himanshu Arora said...

hi abhi
all the best for ur future ahead
i follow u closely in ur olympics whether it was 2004 or 2008 .

I still remember u stormed into the finals in athens at pos-2 but unfortunately finished 7th .

but we indians r proud of u .
take care

NOR3CA said...

hi pls visit my site im new gud day
to all


NOR3CA said...

hi pls visit my site im new gud day
to all


Unknown said...


Welcome Back Home. We like 2 C U soon in India.

fishfin said...

Don't have a TV, but got the news same day about you winning Gold. Next day reading about it all in the newspapers had tears in my eyes. Thanks for making India proud.

....Abhilash.... said...

"I wish more private initiatives come up with corporate support apart from the backing of the government."

Well said Abhinav!!! Private & Corporate support must be initiated apart from the government backing.

India do ve realy world class talents which we are not able to nurture good enough.

I hope you are a BIG start to the greatest achievments.

Thank You Abhinav for being a GREAT inspiration for the upcoming talents and hopefully for people and government to realise they need to support and nurture the young talents.




vinu said...

You are Great
Keep it up

Abhinav Bindra, You are Great

The conceptseller said...

thank you abinav

srilu said...

Quite impressed to ur habit of penning down ur feelings daily inspite of ur busy schedule..... keep rocking abhinav:) wanna c u winning more n more n more medals to India.....and Happy Independence Day....:)

srilu said...

Am a huge huge huge fan of ur's....
Wishing u All the veryyyyyyy best hero.......

Unknown said...

Abinav sir,
You have made the nation proud by accomplishing such a feat in olympics.I wish u all the best to continue winning in all the other games that you take part.

keep the ball rolling sir..Make our nation INDIA proud:)


Anonymous said...

We watched our national anthem being played as you got your medal and it brought tears in our eyes. What an inspiring and poignant moment that was! More so because of your composure, maturity and down-to-earth attitude. Sports persons like you, Rahul Dravid and Rathore are one in a million. True role models for generations to come.


raghav agarawal said...

Gud..... u have done it... every Indian will proud on u...

Indian Ad Critic said...

Do you think, you could have won the gold, if you would have stayed in India & got trained here. Please plan a world class sports training institute in India. Best of luck & thanks for making us proud!

Jai Hind!

Najeeba said...

Hi Abhinav,
First of all, thank you for your blog... I wondered how you felt when you received the gold medal, because when I saw you in TV, you seemed like a silent person. Thank you for sharing it. And, congrats for the gold - the dream of 100+ crores of us, Indians.
And yes, I would like to suggest your composure to all the winners of anything.
Congrats once again!

anu said...

Hi Abhinav,
This is Anupreet from Australia. I just wanted to say CONGRATZ. You have made Indians, from all corners of the world, proud. Here in Aust. when talking about Indian sports it was always about cricket but in reference to the Olympics the main comments were that "India suck". Now we can hold our heads a little higher in front of our peers, especially because your achievement will help maintain the Olympic Spirit in India, so thank you. Singh is King!!
Cheers from Down Under

amit kumar said...

Olympic Gold medal was a dream for our country,..now it is reality. You are an icon of new generation and the pride of old.

Jai Hind.

aparnavsl said...

i don't know whether i like u or not.ur composure...that uneasy calmness...its strange to be frank.
but one thing is for sure ur a true winner the way u stood on th podium without any sign of emotion.
ur attitude the way ur handling the media n the sudden publicity..
somehow its like u knew it all the way that the medal is coming.
dnt know whether u care to read it or not.
many cangratulations!!

bigk said...

hi abhi

why don't u start online consultancy for upcoming shooter.

Karlette said...

Thankyou so much. I am so happy for you. All the best for your future.

- Myah (Mumbai)

The lost girl said...


The lost girl said...

By the way...have you got any plans to start a shooting academy in india?


congratulations sir!!!!!
we r twin girls & were very happy 2 find a person similar in nature 2 us.we saw on tv d way u always used 2 remain transfixed 2 ur schedule..u have inspired us 2 top class XII once again in as we did in X & make r parents proud....

Anand Mehra said...

Hi Abhinav

This is a great Achievement. You really made all indian proud. I am also in a mission to make by blog the highest viewing blog as http://rozgyan.blogspot.com

Once again, Congrats!

Shankar said...

Hi Abhinav,

We are really very proud of you man. Jai Hind!!!!


Nevin said...

abhinav u rock!
ppl like u shud rule the nation! but 1 question? u get all these money and praise after u have acheived something. dont u think it wud have benifitted u and other sportemen more if it had come b4 ur success.

Nevin said...

abhinav u rock!
ppl like u shud rule the nation! but 1 question? u get all these money and praise after u have acheived something. dont u think it wud have benifitted u and other sportemen more if it had come b4 ur success.

Anonymous said...

Abhinav....First of all, my hearty congratulations to you.
When the news of India's Gold reached my ears, I was in my classroom listening to a boring lecture.
The moment the news reached me, I and my friends jumped with elation and joy disregarding even the presence of a teacher. It was possibly one of those moments when I really felt proud to be an Indian. I always am but that moment was extra special. Specially, when you were on that podium and the whole world stood looking up to the Indian flag being raised above the rest and with the National Anthem in the Background, tears rolled down as the ignominy of a 108 years ended and the dream of a billion indians was realised. 3 cheers to you...!!!
Jai Hind!!!
Quiz Quotient

Mr Icyhot said...

lwfinally the dream of 100 crore people came true.

many thanks Abhinav

VinayFromVihaan said...

Congratulation Abhinav.... Your made every indian feel

Manish said...

great job Abhinav...we all are proud of you..seeing the tricolor gbeing raised and the sound of the national anthem was an emotional moment...even i had tears in my eyes..heartiest congratulations to your parents who stood by you and one can't even imagine how proud they must be of you..I hope that this will sow the seeds for more gold medals for India in the olympics....

Dilpreet Chahal said...

hey abhinav,
welcom back to india. u knw apart from ur sucess at olympics ,wat ppl likd bout u is ur calmness,composure nd demeanor wch inspired a lot of ppl so jst dnt loose it evr nd keep it up

Unknown said...

Hello Sir
Sir is what i can say to u.... felt so proud being an Indian.. myself an shooter to.. You did what was never done before .. congrats to u and ur family... me being a young shooter has seen politics that is played by the federations.. the people who are running them have nothing.. it wud be great if u can take up the charge to clean all the mess.. otherwise what happened with hockey, can happen with shooting.. thank you sir
you really made us proud Indians

vidhi said...

u r gr8!!!!!! i mean awesome. u deserve it for ur hard work.hope u smash all ur opponents like this always!

SUBS said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Hello sir
salute u.. u really made ur feel proud Indians... just great.. myself shooter too.. had seen the politics that is played by the dumbs who run the federations... it wud be great if u take up the task to clear the mess created by the dumbs running federations,otherwise as what happened with hockey can soon happen with shooting.. You made an individual effort for so long years and it paid of finally.. congrats to u and ur family.. u really made us proud Indians.. thank u sir...

salman said...


Salman, IIM-Ahmedabad

rhythm fadia-maniar said...

hi abhinav
hearty congratulations....
am sure you worked hard for this day and finally your hard work bore fruits....
watching the felicitation on tv i had goose bumps on my hand and tears in my eyes as i saw the tricolour going up....that too for the first time in olympics....so frankly i dont think i can imagine what you must be feeling even though u showed calm composure....

m sure you are going to win more laurels for india and yourself in future too

good luck and thank you...
u made all of us proud....keep it up

Jaya said...

Hi Abhinav,

You know, when you won the gold, how happy i was, i felt great and it cant be explain in words, I proud of u so much. u didnt show ur emotional feeling much, so matured you are,

take care

rhythm fadia-maniar said...

also good to see you keeping your blog updated....keep writing....enjoy reading what you have to say


Unknown said...


I just wanna say thank you... Thank you for what you have achieved and hopefully it will inspire many more to shoot for triumph in coming olympics.

Arjun said...


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